@swasan room

Swara is sitting on the bed and murmuring to herself…
Swara – Yeh Mohit aur sanskar dono khud Ko kya samajhte hai…(this mohit and sanskar, what do they think of themselves)Mohit sacrificed his happiness for his Jiju without thinking about me…..Jaise mai uskeliye kuch nahi lagti…..(like I am no one to him)I am feeling jealous of my own husband and here my husband is feeling himself as a son-in- law in the 17th century…Like it’s not good to stay at ur in-laws place…. Seriously…..Hu…These both have gone mad……
Sanskar comes to her and sees her in an angry mode….
Sanskar goes to her and sits near her……..And places a hand on her's but she jerks it off immediately....
Sanskar – acha….I am sorry……I am sorry that Mohit is hurt because of me…..
Now swara’s anger went to peaks…
Swara (angry) – what do U think of me sanskar?? Do U think I am angry with u because Mohit is hurt because of U…First thing Mohit is not hurt because of U….And next thing he loves U so much that he thought of his jiju not his di….And the third is I am angry with u as U differentiated between ur house and mine…..And the fourth is I hate U Mr.Sanskar Maheshwari….
Sanskar forgot everything seeing her family’s love towards him……He for once mentally slapped for thinking like that….He was very happy when everyone in swara’s family asked him to come to their house and they literally requested him and finally her….She is looking cute with her angry nose and her baby bump, she is more adorable that he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her…
He kissed her cheek and she is surprised…..
And soon it turned into an angry glare and about to scold him….
Sanskar – stop….Before U could scold me I will say…U look cute when U r angry and ur this cheeks….Seems like they r inviting me to kiss U that’s Y I kissed U…
She couldn’t help but smile but hided it immediately but he is quick to notice it…
Sanskar (continues) – and ha I am sorry that I differentiated between ura and mine.....And I am sorry that I talked like that infront of everyone…. Even if u say or not….I know Mohit did this for me only……I know he loves me so much….And don’t worry I will set everything fine……
Swara hugged him tightly…..And kissed his cheek…..
Swara – I know…..But I am still angry at Mohit…..He didn’t think about me….
Sanskar (smiles) – R U jealous ??
Swara(covers up) – no not at all…Y would I ??
Sanskar – because Mohit gave importance to me not U…Now don’t lie….
Swara (smiled sheepishly) – ha….A little….Till today….his first priority is always me but today he took most important decision of his life without considering me…….I know he did it for both of us as well…But still……Hmm anyways u know he loves U so much and he can’t see U hurt just as me….
Sanskar – OMG swara….Look at U….U r jealous at ur husband…Chi…Too bad…..
Swara hits him on his chest…..
Sanskar laughed at her…….
Swara hugged him tightly….
He too hugged her back with the same intensity....
They sat in a comfortable position as swara doesn’t feel any pain….
She kept her head on his chest and lied down….
Swara – U know sanskar I am so happy that Mohit accepted U so easily and that’s all because of ur goodness…. I am really lucky to have u….U r so understanding….U did a lot for me…. Thankyo….
Sanskar – shhhhh……..Shut up….Now U will say thanks to me ha ?? So should I say thanks to U too for all U have done to our family ha ??
Swara – acha sorry baba…But it’s just that…
Sanskar – swara …..Even that’s my family right ??
Swara – if so then Y did U say that U will not accompany me…U know na I can’t live without U….I am used to U…. I am sorry sanskar…. I am being selfish right….Even U have to spend sometime here…..I know U don’t want to come with me….
Sanskar – OMG swara….Please give rest to that little brain of urs…. Seriously this pregnancy had turned U insane…..U know right I too wanted to be with u….And most importantly I love U and I miss U….. and I can spend my whole life with my family but u won't get that opportunity....I love u swara for accepting my family as urs....
Swara smiles and hugs him more and says – I love U too
They lay down in that position…

Here in gadodia mansion
Anand and BP talks to Mohit and makes him understand how much he had hurt swara…..
Mohit realises his mistake but is adamant on his decision…He decided to talk to swara and make her agree so that sanskar doesn’t feel bad….
He immediately called swara….
Swara seeing his call got angry and cut the call….As if she takes the call....She will definitely hurt Mohit which she never wants….
Mohit again called her…But sanskar snatched the phone and takes the call...
Sanskar – hello Mohit….
Mohit is startled to hear sanskar’s voice….
Mohit – hello Jiju….Di hai kya waha ?? (Is di there ??) I need to talk to her….
Sanskar cuddled more into swara where she is keeping that angry expression of hers…
Sanskar – actually ur di is angry with u and U know the reason…
Mohit – ha Jiju but….That was the best decision as we all r busy….
Sanskar (interrupts him) – stop giving those lame excuses Mohit…..I know the actual reason….U did this for me and look…..
Mohit – no jiju…I…
Sanskar – listen to me completely…U need not do this…..I am sorry Mohit…I didn’t mean to hurt U
Mohit – Jiju….Please don’t say sorry to me....I am sorry that U were hurt because of me..I feel really bad for that….U r her husband..U have more right on her and I am sorry I am coming in between u both….
Sanskar(angry) – Mohit…If u are infront of me now…Then I would have slapped U hard
Swara is startled by this and asked him to keep on speaker but he refused and continued....
Sanskar – Mohit….For ur di….We both r equally important and listen don’t talk like that again ok…We both have equal rights to spend time with her…..And ha I am her husband it doesn’t mean that she should be always with me…..Even she has some priorities and I am telling u… Don’t compare with other’s life…It’s different…..And U know how important U r for ur di and for me too...Mohit for me u r not my wife’s brother…Or my sister’s fiance..Our relation is much more than that……U r my brother…And I don’t want my brother to compromise in his wedding…….It will happen after my baby’s naming ceremony…and that's final
Mohit – Jiju….I am so happy to get U as my Jiju….But please don’t say like that….Let the things happen as it is decided….Let both the marriages take place at a time….It’s ok…
Sanskar – mohit….I am not saying it…I am ordering U…..What about ur di ??
Mohit – Jiju…Actually think about Uttara….I think she will feel bad…
Sanskar – par….(but...)
Mohit – ok jiju ….I will talk to Uttara once…If she doesn’t have any problem then….. Actually Jiju…I don’t know whether Uttara will understand me like U or not…So I don’t want her to feel that I am ignoring her feelings……U know na Jiju…For me di comes first…but it doesn’t mean that I will ignore her every feeling and her every wish.…..I will try my best to keep her happy…..
Sanskar – Mohit I am really happy for Uttara…But I assure U…My sister will understand U…But before that U talk to ur sister…….
Immediately swara turned the other side without taking the phone….
Sanskar – swara…. That’s enough…Now talk to him…..Bechara…Bura feel kar Raha hai….(poor fellow, he is feeling bad)
Swara (loud enough for Mohit to hear) – let him feel bad….When he didn’t care about me and took the decision by himself then what’s there to talk now….
Mohit and sanskar smiled at her childishness…
Sanskar (to Mohit) – did U hear what she said ??
Mohit (laughed) – Jiju keep the phone on speaker…
Sanskar did as he said..
Mohit – di…..I am sorry na….Ok I did a mistake by doing that…Because I felt bad because Jiju is hurt because of me…I again forgot that I got the world’s best Jiju And I know U r feeling jealous of Jiju as I preferred him to U (chuckles)
Swara is shocked…..But smiled as how perfectly her brother and her husband know about her……
Mohit (continued) – but U know na….U r the most important person in my life…..but…
Swara(smiles) – it’s ok bachu….I understand….
Mohit(excited) – really did U forgive me ??
Swara – ha….If I do more late in forgiving U then here ur Jiju is ready to eat me alive…. Seriously U both teamed up against me na…
Sanskar and Mohit (at a time) – no teamed up for U….
Saying this both laughs…..
Mohit – di but my marriage date….
Swara – Mohit date jo bhi ho it’s ok…(whatever may be the date it's ok)First U talk to Uttara….If she is ok with the marriage being postponed then ok otherwise no problem let’s have the two weddings together as decided……Listen don’t pressurise her….Take her opinion…I am ok with any of it….
Sanskar smiled at his wife’s maturity…..
After talking sometime they both hung up…
And as soon as she kept the phone… Sanskar kissed her on cheek…But her act surprised him….She kissed him….Both kissed passionately and after few minutes, they broke it
Sanskar (smiling) – what is this for ??
Swara – for loving my brother as urs….and being a solution for my every problem…..I really love U alot….
Sanskar – then even I have to kiss U for the same reason shall I ??
Swara blushed and hugged him……
They both slept peacefully…….

Precap – uttmoh’s talk…swara’s delivery..

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Where stories live. Discover now