Time to Prove it

65 7 12

Make every shot count.

My palms are clammy, holding the pistol Joel has finally trusted me with.

It only took him almost becoming another friggin' statistic! What's with boys and their stupid pride?

Our feet move in tandem. Careful not to step on anything that could draw their attention.

Those clickers.

We needed to get to the Fireflies, and unfortunately we have to go through this town.

And the only way we're getting through the town, is this dilapidated house. Every other path is barricaded, flooded or both.

As we walk through the entryway, the infected closest to the door lets out a shriek. Lifting its head and jerking it from side to side.

We freeze. Holy shit!

Did it hear us?

Joel throws his hand out to me, the other firmly placed on his lips.

Like I don't know how freakin' clickers work...

Luckily, a moment passes, and the deformed creature's shoulders slump. Resuming its dormant state.


Taking a deep breath, we navigate through the sea of blind predators. Periodically sending out their own sonar to detect any form of prey.

From the shoulders up, it's hard to believe they'd been human once. There's a large flowering-fungal plate where their face should be. A few teeth jutting out in all directions the only remnants of their former self.

Nature was fighting back. And it's freakin' winning!

I creep across to the kitchen, thankful that I'm small.


Shit! Shit! Shit!

The clicker's head locks onto my position, swivelling its body with sharp precision! The predator's screech alerted the surrounding creatures. A bone-chilling chorus fills the run-down suburban home.

The asshole leans in so close, I can smell its fermented breath. The smell is so friggin' intense it makes my eyes water.

What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?

Joel fishes something out of his back pocket, a beer bottle, and throws it back where we came from.

The glass bottle shatters. Time slows as a shimmering dust fills the living room. Everything's moving so quick, I hardly notice Joel's arm hooking around me and pulling me towards the sliding glass door.

I push off him as we sprint toward the fence. The seven-foot PVC fence.

How are we gonna get over that?

Pursing my lips, I'm about to speak. Joel shook his head at me. Jogging over to the corner, he bends down cupping his hand for my foot.

No! I shake my head! There's no way I'm leaving him here to get eaten!

I cross my arms. He's the first person in my life who hasn't left me! I'm not gonna leave him here!

All of us.

Or none of us.

By the shed, I see a ride on lawn mower. If we can get it over to the fence, maybe we can both get out.

I got this!

I run to the machine, sit on the ride-on and turn the key.

Alerting all the infected in the area.

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