Chapter 2: Two Dates

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I wake up with the worst headache. I go to my bathroom and take 12 Ibuprofen pills. I hope I don't overdose! As I make coffee, which I love cause it's a drug, I think about what I'm going to do about my situation. Sandy and Anton both kissed me last night, and I have to choose one of them. But do I really have to? I like them so much so I think I won't make any big decisions yet. I get ready and as I'm going to leave for school I see Atticus out in the hall waiting for me. He has a bouquet of flowers! I cringe. This dude is 60 years old! And he likes me! Disgusting! I go down the fire escape again. If he keeps doing this I'll call the po-po.

I park my car then go wait in a bench as I'm a little early. I see Anton walk over to me. He leans in to kiss me. I turn my head so he kisses my cheek. So awkward! He gives me a bagel and he sits next to me. "So Delilah I wanted to know if you wanted to to go on a date with me." Anton says. Is he asking me out. I'm so excited! "Of course I'll go with you honey!" I answer. "Where are we gonna go?" He's about to answer when I interrupt him. "Ooh let's go to the Cracker Barrel! It's a nice southern restaurant!" He nods and says he'll pick me up at 8. We walk to our building.

I sit down next to him and Sandy again. Class goes fast and after we pack up. Anton leaves cause his class is across campus. Sandy turns to me. "Hey Delilah... I was wondering if... you know... if you ain't busy... we could... you know..." I smile at his shyness. "Sandy are you asking me out?" I say. He nods.

"Ok I'll go out with you!" I say excitedly.

"Ok we're going to Raisin' Canes cause you're southern so I think you'll like the food." He says. I don't have the heart to tell him it's not really southern, at least he thought about it. I nod. He smiles. "Ok I'll see you there at 8." He leaves and I have a big smile on my face before I realize something. My date with Anton is at 8 too!


Well we never said we were exclusive, this is only the first date, but I think it's weird that I'm dating both of them and they're roommates and best friends. Oh how mama would be ashamed of me! She always said not to be a slut and here I am having a date with both men at the same time! I open my closet and pick out another tube top. I think of picking out a mini skirt but the Cracker Barrel is a nice family place so I put on jeans instead.

Soon Anton comes to the front of my building. I am about to walk out when I see through my window that Atticus is talking to him! I stay in my apartment till he leave then go down the fire escape. As I approach Anton I see he has a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's your neighbor Atticus. He says you guys are dating." He says. I gasp. How dare Atticus say that! It's not my fault he look homeless and is thirsty. I quickly tell Anton that he was lying and we head off.

We have a nice dinner and really connect. I want to spend more time with him when I remember, I have to hang out with Sandy too! I clear my throat and look at Anton. "I have to go to the ladies room." I smile and pick up my purse. I lock my self in a stall and think. Come on Delilah think! What do you do? I look around and see a window in the bathroom. I quickly unlock it and climb out. A part of my tube top rips. I come out to the front and pull a taxi over. "The Raisin' Canes near to us. And fast."

I check my watch and groan. It's 8:30. The car screeches two minutes later and I hop out and run to the restaurant where inside Sandy waits for me. "Delilah! What took you so long?" I sigh while I sit down. "Lady problems." He shuts up and blushes. I can't care to much since I'm sweating. He points to my boob. "Hey that is so disrespectful!" I yell.

"No I mean..." he stutters. "Your tube top is ripped, what happened?" I glare at him. "None of your business. Now get my some chicken please!" He quickly hurries up and goes to order it. He comes back.

"So Delilah," he says, "what are your hobbies?" I think for a moment. "I really like trucks, tube tops, and Luke Bryan." I answer. He nods and is about to ask me another question when I look at the time. I stand up.

"Excuse me I have to powder my nose." I run the bathroom hoping there is a window here too. Luckily there is and I climb out. The cab is still there. "To the Crackel Barrel please. And do you have any tape?" A few minutes later we pull up and I go to that back, climb through and meet Anton, who is just sitting there.

"Delilah-" I put out a hand to stop him. "Lady problems." I say. I scoff at how sexist he is. We talk and he says he needs to go to the bathroom. I get a text from Sandy asking if I'm ok. I look around but don't see Anton coming from the bathroom. I go out the front door and back to Sandy.

"Hi Sandy I'm just on my period." I say. He doesn't say anything. I don't think he believes me anymore. I look behind me and see Anton there. Oh no! This is so embarrassing.

They look at me and I see that they understand. I cry and run home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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