y/n's imformation/ introduction

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Full Name- y/n l/n age: 15

Mom: m/n- dead 46
Dad: d/n- alive 48
Brother- Shiro l/n (a/n: SPACE DADDDDDD)

Quirk: lightning (a/n one of my favorite quirks)

Description: y/n's quirks is not like denki, her quirk is real lighting. Y/n can teleport with this quirk but she can only teleport 6 times in 1 hour, she can also absorb eletric, lighting, etc. Draw backs: if used to much she gets a huge bloody nose and if she teleports more than 6 times she can possibly(key word POSSIBLY) loose 1 day of her life span.

Intelligence: 4/5
Power: 4/5
Strength: 2/5
Social life: 2/5
Confidence: 2.5/5
Hi, i am y/n l/n and i am 15 yrs old.
Im really not that special, everyone tells me that....10 years ago my beautiful mother passed away when i was 5, she died in battle to save me from a villian.

---10 years ago-------
Y/n's p.o.v

"Mom! Mom! Can i go to the park? Pleasssseeeeee~?" I squeal while looking at my mom "yes- you may go to the park, make sure to come back before dinner!" She said as she grinned.

I love my mommy so much! She is the coolest!I run up to my mom and give her a big hug, then went outside to head to the mini park i love.
Mommy's quirk is called "tracer!" (I didnt know what to call it 😹) she can trace anyone as long as she know what they look like!

-time skip to the bad part because i am lazy asf-

"Hey little girl~ where is your parents?" A man with a skull face mask on (im making up a random villian...his villian name is gonna be creepyA$$dude)"My mommy told me not to talk to strangers and plus i have to go it's past dinner time and i bet my mommy is worried!" I said as a start to skip away from him, then i feel someone grab my arm."Oi! Oi! You're going with me!" He said with a smirk."Are we getting ice cream?" i said with the most innocent face ever."What the fuck-" he said. In the distance i heard someone scream " GET YOUR NASTY ASS HANDS AWAY FROM MY SMOL BEAN DAUGHTER-!" I look to my side and i see my mom."HIIIIII MOMMY!" I start waving my hands, then i feel something WET touch my neck. I look over and see the man lick my neck, i look at him in fear (start playing the song at the top) and start screaming.

(Author-chan: WhAt-! WhAT ThE fUCk)

"YOU SICK BASTARD" my mother screams while running up to the villain. Like I said my mommy's quirk is called 'tracer' it's not a powerful quirk but it's a very great tool for the police to find criminals and all that stuff, mommy is very great at self defense too! She is the coolest parent ever!

---Author-Chan's P.O.V---(i am shitty at writing fighting secenes so.... this is gonna be completely cringy)

(M/n) runs up to creepya$$dude and punches him in the face while avoiding (y/n).

(Y/n) face plants into the earth earning a thud to the ground. "Y/N RUN! RUN Y/N RUN" m/n screams while in the heat of a battle. Y/n looks at her mother with tears threatening to spill out (everything is happenng so fast.. so just 😂idk)
"NO! I dont wanna leave you!" Y/n screams with all her might (all might) m/n looks at y/n and says "hunny... please run mommy is in a bad situation right now. Always remember i will always love you-" m/n turn into shock as she looks at her stomach to see that the villain 7 feet away from m/n inpales m/n with a knife.

Y/n eyes widen with horror "m-mommy?"  M/n body hits the ground, then takes her last breath and screams "RUN Y/N PLEASE RUN FOR YOUR LIFE- AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, i love you sweetie."
Y/n bolts as fast as she can to her house. Looking back she see's creepya$$dood dragging m/n body off to somewhere.

Tears staining little y/n's face as she runs she trips on a small tree root, before she can hit the ground lighting strucks the ground and she teleports back into her home. Landing on the hard wooden ground with a 'thump' y/n groans in pain.
To be continued

A/n :

Im hella lazy to finish writing this horrible book. idk maybe later on i'll write more chapters and edit all of this - hah im so iconic aren't i  😂;))))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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