Don't Ship With Praha Dovoz - Adam Jensen x Reader (friendship)

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Praha Dovoz, a small shipping company. Easily forgettable, messy and quiet. As all of the agents of TF29 know, a perfect cover for a secret operation. The only problem being, the woman holding the front of the shop doesn't have a spare keycard for if you've lost yours. A necessary security measure of course, but bloody tedious nonetheless.

Being an annoying forgetful person, you've forgotten your keycard for the elevator... Again. Even Miller was getting tired of you forgetting your it. He was honestly thinking about making a secret entrance in the hopes of actually getting you to work in time every morning, instead of you coming in an hour late every 2 weeks or so.

After the operation in London, you were hired in the hopes of making field missions more efficient. More augs - more people with less to lose than your average agent.

In the eyes of some of the natural agents, you were simply a tool for espionage. A machine, not somebody with complex emotion, pain and thought.
You were one of only 2 Augmented field agents in the Prague Task Force 29 office.
The other, Adam Jensen, had earned his respect through many difficult, lifesaving missions done in a very short amount of time.
You, on the other hand, hadn't had the opportunity to prove yourself as worth while. Terror attacks went quiet after the Gold Masks were taken out by guess who? Of course, Adam fricken Jensen.

You didn't have anything against the man, quite the opposite. He was one of the few to talk to you in the task force other than Aria. Augs band together would be your best guess as to why.

Speaking of Jensen talking to you, he was the only person left that wasn't pissed about your keycard forgetfulness and would still let you into the offices.

"Thanks Jensen, I'm starting to piss myself off at this point."
You thanked the man as he emerged from the elevator.

"I knew it would be coming sometime soon,  (y/n)."
He smirked knowingly at you.


"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get to the office, Adam."

As the elevator decended, you noticed something strange.
"Adam, what happened to the laser scanner?"
You both quickly looked around and activated your vision enhancements. Noticing you were near the bottom of the shaft, you visibly relaxed, but Adam was still on alert. You looked at him quizzically.

"Adam, what is it? What's wrong?" He didn't say a word in reply, he only pointed to his eye and then pointed up in suggestion that you use your vision enhancements again to look around. You obeyed and saw the laser field had been deactivated and the elevator had in fact stopped. You shared a glance with him.

"Shit." You muttered.
He once again said nothing, but put a robotic finger to his lips and waved his hand for you to follow. He climbed up the bits of messy jutting concrete with you in tow. As you were climbing your prosthetic hand caught a loose piece of concrete and your grip faltered. Only hanging on to a thin ledge with your flesh hand, you swung your whole body to the next ledge and caught it with your metal hand with a clang.

You held your breath as you scanned around to see if you had alerted the infiltrators.

You hadn't.

Letting out a sigh of relief, you continued to follow the agent up the 3 story shaft.
After a while of arduous climbing, you both made it to the top of the shaft and hung on to the ledge under the door to Praha Dovoz.

"Alright, agent (y/l/n). We need to be stealthy about this. Activate your glass shield cloaking Augmentation and you'll swing up and open the door handle as I remote hack it, understand?"

You nodded your head and waited for his hand to start glowing blue to reach up. You both activate your "invisibility" aug and you reach up to grab the door handle.

With as much delicacy possible, you swing the door open to reveal the sight before you.

Broken boxes, bits of paper, cardboard and packing peanuts were strewn all over the floor. The agent in charge of the front operation cowering in the corner.

Very lightly, you put your hand on the agent's shoulder and whispered in her ear that there are field agents on the case to help. You also told her that she should act just as distraught as she was before you talked to her.

In the shop there were 3 mercs in the room. One was at the door, facing outside, one was looking out the window and the last one was at the computer terminal, seemingly trying to dig up whatever they could on the little shipping company.

You and Jensen, coordinating on the same light wavelengths could see each other through your vision enhancements. You signalled Jensen that you'd take out the man at the terminal, and that he'd wait until after you had approached behind the man at the window to take out the man at the door.

Swiftly, you stood directly behind the man, covered his mouth and nose, kneed him in the balls and then punched him in the throat.

In the corner of your eye you saw Jensen grimace at the look on the merc's face as you kneed him where the sun don't shine. You had the temptation to laugh but you didn't want to compromise yourself.

After dragging the man behind the counter you stood up and looked out the door from behind the mercenary and saw a policeman on patrol. You quickly signaled to Jensen to stop where he was with a clenched hand in the air.

Once the cop was out of sight you waved at your fellow agent to come up behind the man at the window and simultaneously put an augmented arm on the throats of your targets and dragged them behind the counter while strangling them.

Once they had passed out you both stood up and deactivated your cloaks and glanced around.

Still no cops outside.

Adam activated the terminal and saw that even though there were no compromising emails, there was a control for the elevator on the computer.

"Ok, for somebody so fucking concerned with our Cyber-Security he sure fucked that one up. When we get down there I'm ripping Chang a goddamn new one." A very clearly angry Adam fumed as he stormed over to the elevator and this time, we were actually able to reach TF29.

Whoooooo, this is gonna be a long day.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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