Chapter 20

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            "Alright!" Mrs. Hedgenut begins. "Today we're going to start working on the beanstalk assignment I explained yesterday, so everyone find a partner and follow me to the lab." She flashes the class a huge smile and bounces towards the door. Everyone gets up at once, mumbling quietly to one another and filing out behind her. I immediately turn to Quinn, my newest acquaintance. She is already standing beside her desk, colour coated binder in hand, waiting for me.

            "Partners?" She asks while sporting a massive grin. I get the feeling that she is one of those kids who nobody really likes. Maybe its her eagerness to learn, her over-the-top classroom etiquette, or her flawless organization. But those things are exactly what convince me to trust her. She seems sincere, and I appreciate that.

            "Sure." I smile. "Obviously I wasn't here when Mrs. Hedgenut explained the assignment, so I could use a partner who I know paid attention." She stares at me for a moment, probably trying to decide whether or not I'm making fun of her. Then she grins.

            "I'm your girl." She pulls me from my seat and marches towards the exit.

            The two of us follow the rest of the class down a complicated series of stairwells until we finally arrive at small green door. Inside, is a large room containing about 20 work stations, each a different shade of green. Quinn makes a beeline for the mint coloured station at the front of the room and I follow without objection.

            "Okay, lets get cracking." She says, opening a few drawers and removing the equipment within. When she is finished the collection of objects on the workbench counter is as follows: 5 small orange pots, 2 pairs of gloves, 1 bag of soil, and a small cup of beans.

            "What's all this for?" I ask, confused as to why we would need such menial tools when we are supposedly keepers of the elements.

            "For planting the beanstalks." She answers politely.  

            "But... Aren't we suppose to be learning how to use our powers? I thought this was 'Introduction to Plant Magic' not 'Introduction to Gardening and other human hobbies'." I complain. I was really looking forward to getting to use my powers for the first time. In fact, I was depending on it.

            The whole idea of this place, the idea of this kind of reality just screams nut job. The only reason I ever started believing in any of it was because Mia put that flame in my yesterday. When I held it I felt like nothing else mattered. Like no matter how crazy things got I could ground myself in the idea of that flame and know that everything was going to be okay. But the idea of that flame is fading now, and with every passing second I feel myself losing it. I'm afraid that any second I could just wake up and be back in that mental hospital. Back in the place which took everything from me. I can't let that happen. I need a new anchor to steady me. I need to feel the same type of raw power the flame granted me just 15 hours ago. It's the only way I can be sure I'm not imagining this whole place. The only way I can be sure I'm not completely bonkers.

            "Well we'll get to the casting when we get to it." Quinn chastises me like a mother scolding her child. "For now you are just going to have to get a little dirty." She hands me my gloves and I slip them on without another word.

            I spend the next half hour or so planting a small collection of bean sprouts with Quinn, and listening to her drone on about how much she just loves the school, the faculty, the kids, the food and pretty much everything about this place. After awhile her optimistic attitude starts to get a bit annoying, but it never becomes intolerable. I enjoy having someone around who sees the glass half full, it's a nice change.

            "Well, that was exhilarating." I moan after wiping the last bit of soil from the countertop. After the exciting half hour of planting, we were rewarded with another 20 minutes of cleanup.

            "I know!" Quinn exclaims, clearly not understanding my sarcasm. "I just love gardening, it's so relaxing and-"

            "Yeah, it's great." I cut her off before she can burst into another rant about how much she loves something.

            Just then a jolly Mrs. Hedgenut waddles over to our station.

            "Hello girls!" She beams. "Skylar, it's good to see that you're making friends."

            "Yeah." I offer a half-hearted nod.

            "Well, we've only got about 15 minutes left in class so I'm assessing what everyone's finished so far." She releases a bubbly giggle.

            "We've already finished planting, and everything is cleaned up." Quinn radiates with pride as she presents our tiny garden.

            "Oh my!" Mrs. Hedgenut gasps and places her hand on her chest. I have to stifle a laugh at the dramatics of the situation. "This is beautiful! But I guess I should expect such work from my top student." She flashes Quinn a sincere look of approval before continuing. "You're the first group to finish so tomorrow you can get a head start on phase two."

            "Can't wait!" Quinn exclaims and I know she means it.

            Mrs. Hedgenut smiles at each of us once more before moving on to the next work station.

            "Score!" Quinn throws her fist in the air and spins around in celebration. "First ones done, hell yeah!" She sings enthusiastically. A few kids form the surrounding stations look over and flash her a judgemental glare. She notices but doesn't seem to care, I can't help but smile.

            "You do this a lot?" I tease.

            "Only when I achieve something," She pauses and then adds, "so yes. I do this a lot." We both laugh.

            The next 15 minutes go by excruciatingly slowly. By the time the bell rings I'm ready to head back to my dorm and go to sleep. Unfortunately, I've still got three classes to attend.

            I make my way out of the lab quickly. I want to make it back upstairs before Devon reaches my classroom and realizes I'm not there. God forbid she leave for our next class without me.

            I only make it halfway up the second stairway before I see him. Graham is descending the flight of stairs, heading straight towards me. I try to move out of his path, hoping he hasn't seen me but he immediately cuts me off. Clearly, I've been spotted.

            "Hey Sky." He greets me with an kind grin. "How's it hanging?"

            "Fine." I say plainly, trying my best to act disinterested. "But I can't talk, I've got to go find Devon." I try to push past him but he blocks my way.

            "What'd you need Devon for?"

            "We have the same class next period and she said she'd help me find the room. I need to meet her upstairs before she leaves without me."

            "Hmmm." Graham scratches his head. "If only there were another option... Oh! I know! I'll take you."

            I look at him for a moment, considering my options.

1.  I could say no and try to find Devon, but the likelihood that she is still waiting for me is extremely slim.

2. I could try to find the room on my own but its more likely that I'll get lost than anything else.

3. I could agree to have Graham take me and risk him thinking I like him.

            I decide to go with option 3.   

            "Okay." I decide. "But I'm not breaking any more rules with you so don't even think about it."

            "Deal." He says as he offers me his arm. I take it.


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