<11> Kai and Kaori

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Kaori POV

I summon some pants from home. "Put it on." I say, wait for me... Roy. After he's done putting the pants one, he looks up at me. "Your in love aren't you?" He asks with a smirk, I blush darkly. "No I'm not!" I shout.

"Mhm, I've been watching you the whole time. I'm pretty sure you fell for that flame alchemist." Kai says. I blush even darker, "Shut up and let's go." I say. He shrugs, and teleports us somewhere.

I look around, Yay! People to fight!


I crouch down in front of the flame alchemist, "Let me see." I say. He looks up at me, I move his hand. I tap the girl's wound, it heals. He stares at me, I look over his shoulder. "Hey Kari! Can I have something sharp?" I shout.

A little dagger of some kind flies at me, I catch it. I stand up, and cut my hair shorter.

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