The bell rang and the teacher instructed us to turn to a certain page in our textbook.

     At that moment, Mikura passed a note to me.

     I rolled my eyes as I opened it. It read:

     "Don't try to pretend, (Y/N)! You totally like that guy. I saw you blushing right after they all passed!"

     I quickly gave her a note of my own in response. The only thing I could think of to say was "STOP".


Late afternoon, (Y/N)'s POV

     After Mikura and I parted ways for the day, I was on my way back to the agency headquarters. The irrational embarrassment I felt from learning the boy who rescued me was a U. A. student still raged fresh in my head, as it had every second of the day.

     I feel so stupid! I kept telling myself over and over. I guess I sort of thought I had made a new friend, but now he won't care. At least I didn't get too attached to the idea.

     A blushing disaster, I suddenly stopped halfway down the street. Shoot! I forgot my's still in my locker. Within a second I was running the other way.

     I always practiced my instrument at the school when I could, since Riku, Nachika, and Kaito couldn't take much of it for long back in our room. However, I didn't like leaving such a valuable item overnight at the school.

     I raced back to the school and retrieved the violin within ten minutes. 

     Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

     I groaned. It was Kaito, meaning there was again something I had to do.

     "Hello?" I said, after picking up.

     "We need you back at HQ. A lead was found on the terrorists the agency's been trying..."

     I was no longer listening beyond that point. There's a terrorist, we have to catch him, same-old, same-old.

     I told him I'd be there soon, and hung up.

     For a moment I just stood there on the school sidewalk, taking a mental break before diving into a new mission. I'm definitely going to miss some school this time. I was lucky that last night wasn't a big ordeal. 

     "(Y/N)? Hey."

     I whipped around to see Shoto standing behind me.

     "Hi..." I said shyly. I was sure no one could imagine my shock at this moment. What is he doing here?!

     "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he said. "I was a little rough with you last night. Forgive me."

     "Rough? Shoto, you saved me! Why are you apologizing?"

     He shrugged. "I don't know," he said softly.

     We stared awkwardly at each other for a few prolonged seconds.

     I could tell he was more of the reserved type, and never spoke when necessary. His eyes were so striking however, it was like they could pierce through your soul. He seemed to be seeking out my deepest emotions.

     It wasn't long before I realized I wasn't breathing. What is wrong with me?!

     I looked down at the ground, staring at my shoes. What should I do?


Same moment, Shoto's POV

     We stood there, looking at each other in awkward silence. 

     I wasn't sure what to say, but I took the opportunity to study the girl before me.

     She seemed...sad. Even though she was smiling, her eyes looked like dying (E/C) flames. I wondered why that was.

     She probably noticed because she looked down at the pavement. What should I do...

     Gently, I touched her hand, and pulled out a pen.

     (Y/N) looked up in surprise. "What are you doing?"

     "How about I give you my phone number?" I asked, giving her a hint of a smile. 

     She nodded right away. "Yeah! That would be great!"

     She let me scribble my number on the palm of her hand, looking down at it the whole time. She's so quiet, I thought.

     When I was done, she wrote her number on my hand.

     "There!" she said, smiling. 

     "Okay," I said, nodding. "Maybe sometime you could play your violin for me and my friends." I winked at her, glancing at the instrument slung over her shoulder.

     She laughed. "Sure, if you want me to. I may not be here tomorrow-" A vibration from her phone cut her off. She slid it out of her pocket and looked at the screen.

     "I really have to go, Shoto. I'm seem like a really nice boy." After that, she abruptly took off down the sidewalk at a full run.

     I stood there a little puzzled, watching her gallop away. You seem like a really nice girl too, (Y/N).


All done! Isn't it exciting we're finally getting to know Shoto?!  Hope you liked the chapter, and please feel free to make suggestions in the comments :P

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