Chapter Six · Cakes

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Baking had always been how I relax. Everyone use to say I should be a baker. That I'd be the best. It was what I was going to do, then life happened. Now though, I'm perfectly happy baking for Mal and his crew. Mal and I have come to an agreement since I became part of his crew almost two months ago. I would be the cook, he would pay me, and we'd go home as often as possible.

It's not the job I had in mind, but it's a job. For now anyway. I've gotten to know everyone so well. I love them all. Jayne tends to be in the kitchen more often these days. I'm glad someone likes my cooking.


"You're getting pudgy. You need to start working out again." Mal teased Jayne as I was making desert for the week. Jayne just brushed him off, eating a muffin from the batch I had made earlier. "I'm glad someone likes my cooking. You leave him alone!" I grinned, stirring the cake batter. "We all love your cooking Flora, but he's gotta ease up! What's the point in having a Merc that can't walk!" Mal threw his hands up, already tired of this conversation.

"Hush. He's more than a Merc and you know it." I laughed at his dramatics. Mal crossed his arms in a huff and left the kitchen. "Such a child." I smiled, shaking my head. "Thanks." Jayne mumbled through a mouthful of food. "What for?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder as I poured the batter into a pan.

"Stickin' up for me, I guess. Ain't nobody ever do that before." He shrugged, not looking at me. Had nobody ever taken care of this man? "Don't you worry about it. I'm happy to." I smiled at him, sitting down across from him. "You sure are strange." He mumbled, picking at what was left of his muffin.

"I suppose I am a bit strange." I hummed as he finally finished eating. Jayne stood up, brushing crumbs off, and put his coffee mug on the counter. "Its a good strange." He mumbled, leaving the kitchen.


"We're about to be planet side." Wash's voice was heard over the ship's intercom. This trip planet side was supposed to be for fun. Knowing Mal, something might go wrong. We were on soil before I knew it. Wash and Zoë scrambled off the ship and disappeared while Kaylee dragged Simon off, River following. Inara decided to stay on the ship, leaving me with Jayne and Mal.

"Why don't we go get you ingredients. I'm sure you're running low." Mal offered, walking off towards the market. Funny enough, Jayne stayed with us while I picked out what was needed. "You gonna make more cake?" Jayne asked after a while. "Do you want me to? I mean I just made one but would you like me to make cake more often?" I asked, looking up and the man. He only nodded and looked away. "More cakes it is then." I smiled up at him.


The day planet side was fun, and surprisingly ordinary. Mal didn't cause any trouble. I was cutting up the cake after dinner, giving everyone a slice. "Thank you for dinner Flora. It was great, as always." Simon smiled at me, everyone nodding in agreement. "Thank you." I stood up to take everyone's plates. "Can I have more?" Jayne asked as the others started to leave the kitchen.

"Of course!" I gave him the last slice of cake, patting his shoulder as I went to do dishes. "You know when you said I was more than a Merc?" Jayne asked, stabbing into the cake. "Yes." I nodded, scrubbing grease off a plate. "Why did ya say that?" He shoveled a forkful of cake in his mouth. "It's true. You're a wonderful human being." I giggled, going and wiping crumbs off of his face. A blush spread across his face as he looked away. "I ain't so wonderful." He mumbled as I went back to doing dishes.

"It's all about perspective Jayne." I sighed, scrubbing off a clump of something or other off of another plate. He was quiet for a while. "I think you're pretty great too." He stated, eating more. His eyes got wide. "I mean. You can cook real well and I like to eat your food and I mean.." Jayne backtracked. I laughed and put the plates up. "Thank you Jayne." I hugged him from behind, his cake crumb covered face red.

I should make more cake.

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