A Different Kind of Milk Man

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Brone woke up on that 'wonderful', Saturday morning. Ah, no work today. He jumped out of bed and got dressed, ready to start the day. He went downstairs to make himself some coffee, and was planning on watching Netflix until the sun set. He boiled the kettle and took out his favorite cup. He set it on the table, took a teaspoon, the coffee beans, sugar and went to the fridge for the milk. He picked up the milk carton but something was wrong. Much too light. He shook it and instantly knew it was empty.

Brone sighed in disappointment. Bummer. Well, he'll just have to buy some milk then. But if only he had only decided to stay home that day, pour himself a glass of water, and do some exercises on the treadmill his sister bought him. If only, then this would never have happened to him.

He walked over to the key rack, and flicked through the keys looking for the key to the front gate. But it wasn't there. Oh no, he must've left it somewhere else. He walked through the house, searching for his keys. He looked under the pillows, in the cupboards, on tables and on the floor. Where the hell was his keys!?

"Heeere, keys!" Brone called "Heeeere, ke ke ke keys!"

After searching through the entire house, he started to get agitated. He had gotten up at six this morning to start the Supernatural series, and now it was almost seven thirty! He stomped up the stairs and searched his room, the guest room, the bathroom, and the study. Nothing! His watch beeped.

08:00 AM

He had to call his mother.

Suppose the milk would have to wait. Now, where did I put my cell phone?

He got into his bedroom and his cell phone wasn't on the table next to his bed as he had hoped. He looked under his covers, under the bed and everywhere he could possibly have left his cell phone. He searched for twenty minutes before he heard a familiar sound. Good Life started to play from somewhere. He followed the sound to the downstairs window. The cell phone was in his car. But his front door keys were gone. Come on, seriously!?

Brone started up his desperate hunt for his keys again. He searched everywhere. His mother was always so upset if he didn't call her. She began having unrealistic fantasies. He was kidnapped, murdered, he hated her, etc. He had to find those damn keys! Finally, he decided that breaking a window and getting out of the house was the best option. He picked a window, picked up a chair and threw it through the window. Probably a stupid decision but his house telephone was broken. Not like he could call 911.

He got out of the house and realized there had been something on the chair. He face palmed when he saw what it was.

His front door keys.

He broke a window for nothing. He snatched up his keys and walked over to the car. He tried to open it. Then he realized he needed his car keys. He walked back to his house to get them off the key rack.

But of course, the car keys weren't there. Where did he put the damn car keys!? He put his front door keys in his pocket so he couldn't lose them again, and started another desperate search. He went as far as checking in the dishwasher, but didn't find his car keys anywhere. He looked back at his watch. Apparently, the fates wanted to let him suffer. Because time was ticking.

09:23 AM

Wow. That's nice. Honestly, so fair!

He looked up at the ceiling "WHY MUST YOU FATES TORTURE ME LIKE THIS!?" He bellowed, and kicked a chair as he walked out of the bathroom. Something fell on his head just as he left the bathroom.

"Ow!" He shouted and looked down at what had hit him.

He grinned. His car keys! He bent down too quickly and his toothbrush fell off the table, into the toilet. He yelped and ran over to the toilet and accidentally flushed it. He pouted. There goes his super awesome toothbrush. Okay, he probably wasn't gonna use it anyway. It DID fall into the toilet, after all. He sighed, picked up his car keys and walked to the front door. He unlocked it, walked outside, wanted to lock it, but remembered he hadn't taken his wallet.

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