Solid Line

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It's a pain in my heart to be the unrequited lover,
To know that what beats for you won't ever be yours...
Yet you take it without thought and without remorse.

Do you know all that you do to me and more??

It hurts to think soon you'll be with another soul
I know I'll stay up late wondering why I wasn't the one you chose
I can't stop my mind from thinking maybe one day we'll actually become a thing
Give us a try and be exclusive for the time being

I know it's all just a fantasy in my head.
A fantasy I would wed, but a fantasy no less. Something that some, including you, might think makes no sense...

Do I make sense now? Because sometimes I feel like I just say a mess.

Like the words that I speak are all words that aren't born.

Maybe that's how it will always be.
I'll be speaking my language,
I will speak in my tongue,
But every word that I speak you'll answer as if you heard none.

I suppose it's better that way, there's a line that needs to be drawn
I just hoped that I could stop that evitable line from being inevitable from the start

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