"Y'all both need to chill the fuck down." Andre said angrily but fuck him and his feelings.

"Just move out of my way and let me leave that's all you gotta do." I said as I picked up Anthony's diaper bag and threw it over my shoulder while holding his car seat.

"Yes, please let this tramp leave." Brittany added and I just chuckled non humorously before using all my strength to push past Andre and on my way out I made sure to side bump Brittany as I walked down the stairs.

"Come on Faith." I told her once I got to the bottom of the stairs, she had been watching tv the whole time *thank god*.

We headed outside to my car and I strapped both of them in but Andre wasn't to far behind. I quickly tried to get in and shut my door but this nigga was running like a track star and held the door open.

"How about this imma just stay with Kendall and I'm pretty sure Eric has their house on lock down too so we will still be safe until things die down." I tried to negotiate with him and he had that look on his face like he was thinking.

"Aight but under one condition." He said and I groaned.

"And that is?" I questioned.

"You can't leave at all." He said and I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Your funny." I faked laughed but he looked dead ass serious.

"Imma tell Eric too and I'm pretty sure he's not letting Kendall leave either so you'll have company." He smirked before shutting my car door leaving me dumbfounded.

I turned around handing Faith my phone so that she could watch Netflix before reversing out of his driveway to the gate. Once he opened the gate I drove onto the street towards Kendall's house.

It took us 35 minutes to get there but once we got there I seen a big ass coded gate surrounded their house it looked like the same one Andre has.

I seen the camera face my car before the gate opened up. Once it opened I drove up to their driveway until I was parked next to Kendall's car.

"Girl I feel like I'm in a fucking prison." Kendall said as she walked outside with Karter on her hip he is now 8 and a half months he's gonna be 9 months on November 28th.

"Right Andre's ass is tripping too and we ain't even together." I said as I took my keys out the ignition and got out.

"Is Brittany's stank ass still over there?" She asked and I nodded with an eye roll as I got Faith and Anthony out.

"If she wasn't pregnant I would've been done beat her ass." She said with a glare and I couldn't help but laugh because I know that she's not lying.

"Can I stay here? Andre won't let me go to my house." I said as I walked into her house.

"Of course you can keep me company since Eric's punk ass won't let me do shit." She huffed but right as soon as those word left her mouth Eric came out from the living room.

"Say that a little louder." He said with a smirk on his face while she just rolled her eyes and flipped him the bird.

"Why you eavesdropping?" I asked while laughing.

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