Be strong

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Having deppresion is hard and you just wanted to stop this deppresion be strong like me.

You must be strong for the challenges but you could cry also were only human we are allowed to cry even boys or tomboys or gays its okay to cry no one must be judge if you cry and your a boy.

Here is a sign  of deppresion #2

* suisidal thoughs

I have experienced this pls don't think of that or even do that if now your cutting your self hurting yourself please no the consequences of your actions can effect other people that loves you and cares about you I wanted to die before but I told my self "you know what I'll stop thinking that way" but as deppresion go its hard to stop thinking that;In your head your thinkin

"I'm useless,unloved,nobody,worthless,not beautiful/handsome,im a failure and other stuffs"
All that I said up there I have been saying no ones perfect even if your popular you have problems too everyone in this world have problems

Failing is very hard to say "eh its okay" because you think your family and friends will say "FAILURE! You've embraced our family name! You can't be our friend,DUM" its hard I know but you always say "its fine I'll try harder its okay" yes it it confidence but inside of you is saying "I am a failure I can't do anything I am a dummy"

My last name is Zipagan and Zipagan means "smart" my whole family members our smart they got A+ my brothers is smart my lil sister is smart my cousins our smart while I fail,fail I already saw in my parents eyes that they are sad im sad for I am sad too gor not making my parents proud but I will be strong

Remember be strong don't give up

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