Chapter Two: Her?

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Kaji's P.O.V

It's the beginning of the week and I'm so not here for it! My fashion store is in a pickle and I'm supposed to be receiving a new associate from the C.E.O directly. That must mean that he's paying attention to my failure to run this business and I need to cut the crap my current employees are giving me.
So here we are running these interviews for new employees and also waiting for Peter Didak, the new associate.
"So what makes you the best for this position?" I ask the nervous girl seated in front of me.
"I've worked at two companies prior to yours, as shown on my resume, a-and I've gained a large amount of e-x-xperience because of them."
"Mhm. I see, I will contact both of the companies for verification on your claims and we will get back to you if you're our choice."
I stand gracefully and put out my hand as the girl breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thank you, Ms.Rowland." She says as she places her hand in mine and shakes it. She then exits my office in a bit of a hurry and I lazily plop back into my rolling office chair.
I check my notifications and press on messages:
-Hey bitch, we still going out tonight right?
-Rain check chica. I'm busy and I wanna go straight home to sleep.
-Uhhh no bitch we going out tonight. No if ands or butts!
-Fine ...I'll come scoop ya around 8:30ish.

I laugh at her last text only to have the smile drop off my face because a sexy man just casually waltzed into my office.
Peter 'Didak' / Noskav

My heart speeds up as he pulls the chair, adjacent to my desk, out for his sculpted booty buns to sit in

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My heart speeds up as he pulls the chair, adjacent to my desk, out for his sculpted booty buns to sit in.
He's a beautiful creature so well dressed and fine as hell.
My panties are wet instantly.
"Hello." He says.
He snaps his fingers in my face interrupting my lusty thoughts as my gaze quickly rises to his gorgeous face.
"Hi, what can I help you with?" I ask timidly.
"I'm here for my position as your new associate."
His tone is so powerful it makes me want to bow at his feet. As if I'm not his boss.
"Y-yes I'll have Davy help you out."
I boss up and press the mic button on the intercom and call Davy, my PA, to come assist Peter.
"My apologies Ms.Rowland. He decided he wanted to walk in..I couldn't stop him."
I stand and walk towards a seated Peter, my legs are slightly wobbly. My hand quickly goes out and a little to fast as he rises to his feet and my hand hits his hard abdomen. His person stops completely and my hand stays rested on his side as I embarrassingly grope him.
"Excuse you, Ms.Rowland." 
I nervously clear my throat and pull my hand back to my side saying to him:
"There was some hair on your shirt and you know it's a fashion company we can't have that."
His sharp eyes study me like a predator watches it's prey and he chuckles.
"это она?" He mumbles as he proceeds to the door.
Oh dear god he's bilingual. Help me now.

Peter's P.O.V

My father may sometimes be a bit brash but this time I see why he is so eager to send me here. That woman is a sight! Her beautifully shaped hips in that dress and her light cocoa skin glittering in the light. I had to use my cockiness to keep myself from jumping on her little ass and taking her where she stands. She is a woman, in charge, and I must tread carefully if I wish to make her my woman.


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