The Black Knight Prt 1

Start from the beginning

The Black Knight took a glance at Esdeath, before nodding. “If that is your order Minister, then I shall see to it that Night Raid shall be put down.” The Black Knight said.

“That is exactly what I wanted to hear!” The Minister said.

“If that is all, I will take my leave since I have planning to do now.” The Black Knight said, with a small bow. His Fangs stood up and the the group left following their general. Esdeath smiling as she left the room as well before any others.

In the halls, once away from anyone able to hear them, Linus let out a groan and put his arms behind his head. “Jeez, that guy is annoying.” He said, remarking of course the Minister. “What do you expect from him. The vermin is nothing more than that.” Lloyd said. “I say he is more a parasite. Him and most of those rich pricks.” Linus said. “What I wouldn’t give for five minutes with him alone.” Linus punched his fist into his hand.

“We have to just go along for now, least till the boss gives the word.” Lloyd said. Indeed, the Black Fang hated the Minister, but the Black Knight hated him the most. To him, the Minister is a parasite, with almost all the rich in the capital being his corrupted offspring, one way or another. He saw the corruption, the looks the people had. Like deer too tired to run anymore, now just waiting for the hungry wolves to kill them. But then why isn’t he part of the Revolution?

He didn’t see them as much of a option either. Like Esdeath, he believes in the Strong Live, and the Weak Die. The Revaluation may wish to help the weak, but their help is nothing more but holding their hand like a child. Even those who may never lift a blade in their life to fight. And their war will only breed more weak once it is over.

But the Black Knight, he saw the Strong as being those who will take up arms, who will fight for what they stand for, and will greet death with a smile on their face. Either to spit in death’s face, or to know that their last moments were not in vain, that there death means more will live, and inspire a new generation of strong willed warriors.

It was this ideal, that The Black Knight didn’t see many in this city as “Strong.” For he saw nothing more but a savage hunting ground. Where the weak hide behind walls, and the strong are the ones being hunted. It is why he choose his own route, one that most certainly will lead to some sort of struggle, one way, or another. But as for now, he must play along. Where the Minister points, his blade will go.

Little did the Minister know, he pointed in the direction that very well may lead to his death.

“You know, I would liked at least a hello.” The Black Knight and his fangs stopped. General Esdeath stood there, her arms crossed over her chest. “So~?” Linus chuckled as Nino ran up and hugged Esdeath. Very few got that privilege. “My apologies. I was under the impression that my presence alone was enough of one.” The Black Knight said.

“Maybe in the past, but nowadays it’s rare for us to be in the same place at once. So I suspect you to least give me that much.” Esdeath said, patting the young girl’s head as she let got and returned back to Jaffar’s side. “And I see you Fangs are growing. I hardly recognized Nino.” Esdeath pointed out that now Nino wore a purple armor over her vital points.

“That’s because Mr. Knight said I shouldn’t rely on Jaffar to always swoop in to protect me.” Nino said, grabbing said assassin’s arm.

“As you shouldn’t. I left you in his care for a reason: To grow strong.” Esdeath said, tipping her hat as Nino giggled.

“But I am here for another reason. I was wondering if I could see you later in my quarters?” Esdeath asked. This had The Black Knight confused, but he didn’t feel like anything sinister would come. Not like they haven’t talked like this before, in the private of one another’s quarters. “I guess I can stop by, long as it is professional.” The Black Knight said. “Of course, I simply wish to inform you about a few things.” Esdeath said, grinning a bit.

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