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"You have my word," Throk said in his deep voice. "I shall pledge my life to ensure their safety!"

The dragons were edgy and keen to get into the sky and their riders all leapt aboard, launching to meet the Fliers on their Singetails in the sky. Trading blasts with the attackers, the riders swooped and circled, blasting at the riders, using explosions and coming in from all angles to throw the Fliers from their mounts and every time, watching the dragons urgently fly away. The remaining Fliers scooped their fellows from the sea and the menacing shape of Krogan marshalled his men, his evil glare chilling Hiccup as he saw the man inspecting Astrid closely.

Toothless swooped round more tightly than Hiccup had intended, blasting the Singetail three times and separating the man from his dragon...but unlike the others, Krogan's dragon swooped round and collected him, allowing him to flick a brace of powerful blasts at the Night Fury. Astrid barrel-rolled round and shot a spread of spines down at Krogan, with Hookfang blasting a curtain of fire up, so the spines ignited and scorched the leader of the Fliers. The Singetail roared and dived down after the Nadder, Astrid's wedding dress flapping as she bent low over Stormfly's neck and the speedy Nadder darted away.

In an instant, her new husband was accelerating after her, eyes narrowed as he focussed on the Singetail, Viggo's words echoing round his memory.

However, there was only one dragon whose powerful blast could neutralise the Singetail's fire. The Singetail's only predator-the Skrill!

But the Skrill had perished with Viggo in Johann's base and all Hiccup had was brave, faithful Toothless...the last Night Fury, the fastest, smartest and one of the most powerful dragons in the world...who had held his own against the Skrill in the past. Hiccup's lips lifted in a small smile.

"Wanna help me drive off this man who's attacking my mate?" he asked and felt the dragon rumble in response. Suddenly, Toothless's wings folded and they dived even faster, screaming round and launching a blast larger than any Hiccup had seen. There was a roar of pain from the Singetail and a yell of rage from Krogan as a wound was burnt into its side and one pair of wings was torn and scorched. The man cast Hiccup a hateful glare and peeled away, followed by the ragged remains of his force.

"Oh no you don't!" Fishlegs yelled at a Flier on a greenish Singetail that was attacking Astrid's old hut. As Hiccup watched, Meatlug rammed into the giant ballista that Astrid had planted on the roof for self-defence and the huge weapon slammed down, knocking the flier away and slamming the dragon unconscious, pinned under the bulk of frame. Throk raced over to the stunned man and punched him unconscious as Mala appeared at his side, two swords gripped expertly in her strong hands. She looked up and nodded to Hiccup even as Meatlug landed.

"Oh no..." Fishlegs whimpered. "I didn't mean to do that..." But Mala rested a hand on the downed dragon and cast him a reassuring look.

"She lives," she soothed him in her low voice. "She's just stunned..."

"It's not your fault, Fishlegs," Hiccup reassured his friend as they landed. He leapt off to comfort the panicking rider as Toothless sniffed thoughtfully at the downed dragon's flank-and then he gave a small bark. Patting Fish on the shoulder, Hiccup walked round and crouched down, then peeled one of the nuggets of amber from its scales. Astrid looked over his shoulder.

"Is that...Deathsong Amber?" she asked and he nodded.

"Sure looks and feels like it," he admitted. Astrid's breath hitched.

"Garff!" she gasped. "They must have found him and captured him..." But he rose and gently rested his hands on her hips, pulling her close and staring into her eyes.

For MiladyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora