Part 44 - The Call

Start from the beginning

"Y/N I'm sorry, but once it was all over I knew what I did was wrong," Peter grabs my hand but I pull it away. 

"Oh, once it was over," I laugh. Peter kept asking to explain but I kept talking.

"I thought you were different, but it turns out your just like all the other assholes I've dated." I take a deep breath and run my hands through my hair, "And to think I was going to do everything in my power to stay here with you. I was even going to expose my powers to my mom!" 


"I was going to tell my mom about my powers because maybe she'd understand. But now, I really have no reason to stay here."

"I know what I did was bad Y/N, but please stay. Just let me explain, it's not what you think." Peter reasons.

I race out Peter's door and go to the living room where my mom was watching TV. I heard the bathroom door close implying that May just went to the bathroom. My plane ticket was in my moms hand. 

I walk over to her, tears in my eyes and grab the ticket, "I have to go pack." I tell her and I then reach to grab my bag and I start stuffing my things in it. 

"Y/N what happened?" My mom asks. She puts her hand on my shoulder. 

"Peter's a cheating dirt bag and I don't want to see him again," I zip up my bag and swing it around my shoulder. 

I walk over to the door hearing Peter call after me. I whip around to look at him. I slide the ring he gave me for my birthday off my finger and throw it at him. But of course due to his enhanced reflexes he caught it easily. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. 

I walked home from Peter's house alone. I know my mom stayed to try to figure out what happened. My phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Peter. 

When I got into my house I walked right up to my room and closed the door. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at it. 

Y/N please talk to me. 

I promise it's not what you think


Please. I need to explain what happened to you. 

Your mom wants to know what happened.

Just please call me. I love you, and I need to explain. 

Missed Calls: Peter (7)

I place my phone back down on my bed and sit there. Maybe I overreacted. Maybe I should have listened to him. 

But he did say he didn't try to stop the kiss. I know Peter liked Liz before I moved back, so he probably did kiss her. But Peter's not that kind of guy. He's sweet and he cares about me. But why wouldn't he stop the kiss?

My head felt like it was spinning and I couldn't make it stop. I picked up my phone again and thought about calling someone. I couldn't call Ned, he's Peter's  best friend. He'd probably tell Peter whatever I say. 

I don't want to bore Elise with my problems because I know she's going through a rough time, with her boyfriend just breaking up with her. 

I scrolled through my contacts, most of them being friends from Michigan who I don't talk to anymore. 

My eyes landed on Michelle's name. I click on her contact and hit call. 

I listen to the line ring until she answers, "Hey," 

"Hey Michelle, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" I ask. 

I hear papers ruffle on her end, "Sure, what's going on? Did Peter die or something because you usually are with him," 

"I think I just broke up with him," I run one hand through my hair. 

"Whoa, why, what happened?" She sounded super shocked, which I don't blame her for. 

"He kissed someone else," 

"Peter did? He's like head over heels for you," She says. 

I sniff, "Yeah he did." 

She takes a deep breath, "Why don't you come over and spend the night. My parents aren't home, and I have nothing else to do tonight." 

"Really? Thank you Michelle," 

"No problem, and my friends call me MJ, so you can call me MJ." I can tell she's smiling. 

"Thanks, MJ." I giggle, "I'll be over in a couple of minutes"

I hang up the phone and grab my backpack again. I swap out the clothes inside it for new clothes. I swing it around my back and head out my door. 

I go downstairs and grab a granola bar from the kitchen. My mom still wasn't home yet. I was glad because I didn't feel like talking to her. I opened the front door and walk out. I close the door behind me and began heading to MJ's house. 

I was a couple of houses away when I realized I left my phone charger at my house. I turned around and started to head back until I saw Peter, Aunt May and my mom walking into our house. I guess my mom brought them over to see me. 

I quickly turned and ran away. I guess I'll just have to use MJ's charger. 





A/N: Aw! They're broken up again. What do you think really happened between Peter and Liz? I love Liz in Spider-Man: Homecoming, but I needed someone to be the bad guy between you and Peter, so don't get mad because I made Liz rude and mean haha. Next chapter is going to have a some Tony Stark in it ;) Love you all, thank you for all your kind comments. 

~MJ Xx

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