chapter 2

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We arrived at the hospital. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks as the sliding doors opened. We walked to the front desk. I looked around to see people hugging and crying, some impatiently waiting in the chairs, and few smiling.

"He is in room 235" The lady with brown hair and green eyes smiled and pointed down the hall to the elevator.

I was holding Lees hand while we walked behind his parents to the elevator. His mother pushed the buttons to floor 2.


The elevator doors slide open as we got off. The sign pointed to the right for the numbers 230-250.

My heart began to pound. I cant see him like this it hurt to much.


Everyone walked in but me. I saw his bed and broke down. Lee grabbed my hand and slowly walked me in.

There he was. His light brown hair laying on the pillow. His arms to the side with his body laying still.

His eyes were closed and there was a tube in his mouth. 


"ELLE!!!!" I jerked up. I looked around as I sat on my bed while Lee stood infront of me. My heart was racing.

"Why are you sweating so much?" He raised his eyebrow and laughed.

"What was I just doing?" I sat up with my covers over my legs.

"We were waiting for Noah to land and then you fell asleep. Why ?" I took a deep breath realizing and HOPING it was just a dream.

Lees phone buzzed.

I jumped up. "I got it!" I quickly ran his desk and grabbed his iPhone. 


Come downstairs, we have to leave.

"Wait were are we going?" I was kinda confused.

I read Lee the text and I threw his phone at him. He texted back and slide it in is pocket. He was wearing tan shorts that had like 20 pockets.

"Dont you remember, we are going to visit Noah?" My eyes grew bigger.

"I FORGOT TO PACK!" I looked at Lee and started pacing.

"Elle, you packed yesterday, your luggage is already in the car." He started laughing at me. He grabbed my hand. "Cmon lets go our plane leaves in an hour."


Waiting for what felt like eternity to see him. Lee and I waited at the airport for our announcement. We waved and hugged Lees mom.

The speaker was announcing planes boarding and landing but all I could think about is when he left. He went up the escalator and never looked back. And now I get to go up that escalator. 

Now boarding LA to Massachusetts

I looked over at Lee and smiled. 

There it was, the famous escalator. I started shaking as we went up. I looked back to see everyone so small. I tear came down my face, but I quickly wiped it before Lee could see.

I grabbed his hand as we dragged our luggage through the gates. 

Harvard here we come


"Are we almost there????" I looked over at Lee who was just waking up.

"I think so." He looked over at me and shrugged.

After 20 minutes they made the announcement we were landing and my heart started racing again.

We landed and walked into the airport. I searched for Noah.

I saw a sign that read:

Elle and Lee

But the person holding the sign wasnt Noah..

Now I would have to wait moreeee time before I could see him.

I signed and we went to grab our luggages.

"Hi, im guessing you El and Lee correct?" We nodded. He was holding a picture of us to make sure we were really Elle and Lee.

"Follow me." We followed behind as he walked us outside. There was a long black limo. The guy opened the door  he smiled. 

And then there he was. 

Noah Flynn

He got out of the limo and fixed his shirt. I sprinted over to him and he gave me a bear hug. I started crying I was so happy.

"Hey." He looked down at me and smiled. MY HEART

We got into the limo with Lee following.

"Well, welcome. We got a week, I promise you guys won't be disappointed." Noah looked over at me and winked.

I was shaking I was so happy to see him. It has been a long 2 weeks without him.


Thanks for reading!!!!

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