The children you once were...

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I envy those who wish they could become the child they once were,
I envy them because I wasn't one of them, wasn't as lucky as them,
I envy them because they don't have to carry the terrible memories with them all their lives.

Tell me- the one with a desireable childhood- tell me how excited were you to return home every afternoon after school??

Tell me how was it to be loved without conditions??

Tell me how come the sunshine made you happy when all it did to me was force me to squint my eyes??

Tell me how come not all of us deserve a happy fate??

Tell me how you jumped around for the cold ice cream when all I did was wish the coldness to leave my life??

Tell me how come the life is so unfair??

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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