School Begins

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Walking up to the front door of the school with the wind blowing my hair, I felt pretty confident about the day ahead of me. Seeing the sign that read the school's name, Silver Leaf High, I thought that it was a rather interesting name. Seeing the front door of the lobby, I grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

Stepping into the lobby, I heard the muffled chaos coming from the lunch room, as students were waiting for the bell to ring on their first day back. Grabbing a seat by the lobby door, a woman wearing a navy blue blouse, and a black jacket walked up to me and greeted me.

"Mr. Mitchell, it's nice to meet you." The woman greeted, as she extended her hand

Getting up from the chair and shaking her hand, I smiled back politely.

"Nice to meet you as well," I replied

"My name is Misty Cooper, please call me Ms. Cooper. Why don't we go to my office so I can explain things further in depth with you." Ms. Cooper said, as she led the way to her office

Looking in her office as we came closer, I noticed it was tiny compared to the lobby of the office. The desk was scrunched up in the corner, with filing cabinets behind. On the desk was two monitors as well as a picture of Ms. Cooper and her family.

"Mr. Mitchell, you are familiar with high school yes? I have to ask because we sometimes get homeschooled students." Ms. Cooper explained

"Yeah, I know how high school works. I know about the cliques as well as who, and what to avoid," I replied with a nod

"Alright, good. Now with that out of the way, lets talk about your classes," she went on

Taking a deep breath before she continued, she clicked a few buttons on the computer before starting to read the list.

"First hour is History with Mr. Brown. Second hour is Tech Lab with Mrs. Nova. Third hour is Biology with Mrs. Catherine. Fourth hour is your lunch period, you have a 45 minute lunch break. We like to have our students take their time," Ms. Cooper paused as she took a breath before continuing

"Fifth hour is Math with Mr. Maxwell. Sixth hour is Ghostology with Mr. Hunter. Its personally my favorite course this semester. Last but not least is seventh hour being Creative Writing, with Mr. Abel," She finished with before turning to look back at me

"Ghostology, ma'am? That's an unusual course," I questioned her

"We like to try new and exciting courses each year, this is by far a favorite among previous students," she explained

"Are you ready to meet your teachers Mr. Jaxon?" she asked

"Sure, why not," I replied with a shrug

"That's the spirit, now let me call some students to show you around," Ms. Cooper told me before she leaned forward, holding down a button on the microphone before continuing speaking.

"Jay Simmons and Tori Edmunds, please report to the principals office," She said before leaning back into her chair.

The first person that came into her office was who I presumed to be Jay. He was a nice looking guy. His skin tone was a light tan color. His hair was a lighter brown color, and his eyes were an almost silver color. He gave me a cheeky grin before extending his hand.

" Hey there new kid, I'm Jay," Jay said

Taking a hold of Jay's hand, I introduced myself

"Hello Jay, I'm Jaxon," I replied with, ending the handshake

The next person that walked in was Tori. She head long auburn hair, and wore a contagious smile. Her eyes sparkled as she walked over towards me and Jay.

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