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Irrelevant. Everything felt...irrelevant. School. Family. Friends. Even sleep. Life itself felt irrelevant. The chances of you ever seeing Toby again were less than zero. You knew deep down that you would never see him again and you were having an extremely hard time accepting it. After Toby killed his dad, the news spread just as fast as the fire he had started. But the internal damage was much worse. Practically anyone who was even slightly associated with Toby was considered a freak. Or even a psychopath. Your friends at school had even stopped talking to you out of fear of getting bullied. It made you realise who actually cared about you, which unfortunately wasn't as many people as you thought. Even your parents had given up on trying to comfort you. You've heard them arguing about how your just a "lost cause". A few weeks after the fire you had tried to talk to Toby's mom, but your efforts were for nothing. She was just convinced he was dead. The thought of not being able to even hear his voice again made your blood boil with anger. Where ever he is now I hope he's happy without me.

It was the start of another boring day. Sunlight filtered through your curtains as the cold night was replaced by the warmth and light of day. Your eyelids slowly fluttered open only to be greeted by the blinding light of the early morning sun. You squinted your eyes in a feeble attempt to stop the light from infecting your tired (e/c) eyes and turned to face your alarm clock. Seeing that the red numbers read quarter past seven you decided it would be fine for you to stay in bed for at least another hour. You allowed your heavy eyelids to close once again and let sleep take over your tired form. For the first time in months you felt kinda peaceful, as if nothing could disturb your light slumber. Nothing, however, lasts for ever as a small knock sounded from the other side of your bedroom door. "(Y/n) darling, it's time to get up now. Breakfast is ready and we need to talk." The soft voice of your mother called to you through the door. I wonder what she wants to talk about now. You thought as you replied with a tired groan.

Reluctantly, you threw the covers off of yourself and shivered slightly as the cold hit your body. There wasn't really much point in fussing about an outfit so you just threw on an oversized jumper and a pair of leggings. As you drew back the curtains you caught sight of the mess that your best friend had made only a little while ago. The trees were painted a pitch black color that contrasted with the pale grey ash that littered the ground like snow and tired the whole forest into a deserted waste land. Not a single piece of life existed in that hellish piece of land. It was as if the devil himself had risen from hell and walked through that very forest and left without a care in the world. Before the forest had looked so green and lush. It had been one of your favourite places, so full of life and light. But now it seemed dead but slightly...alluring? You tore your gaze away from the piles of ash and headed for the stairs, ready to face the talk your mom had prepared for you.

The news that you received was nothing compared to the things you had previously been told. Your dad would be taking a business trip for about a week and your mom just wanted to know if you were okay with it. "It's fine. Your all irrelevant to me anyway..." you mumbles the last part as you trailed off mid sentence. You really didn't feel like getting involved in needless family drama at the moment. Your mom let out an exasperated sigh as she caught on to the last thing that you said. "Well he's leaving in about an hour so it would be nice for you to say a proper goodbye." She said before standing up and clearing the table. "Whatever." You mumbled whilst leaving for your room.

When the time came for your dad to leave you didn't bother to say goodbye as he was only leaving for a week. It was already the third day of your dads absence and you weren't missing him at all. Your mom however wasn't dealing with it so well. She had a hard time trusting him when he went on long trips like this. Moonlight flowed through your window and dimly illuminated your room as your stared into the empty abyss of the dark ceiling. The night was quiet. Suddenly, a loud crash came from downstairs. Muffled voices could be heard from directly below your room. They sounded gruff and unfamiliar. Out of pure curiosity you silently tiptoed out of your room, down the hall and to the stairs however as the voices got louder your curiosity was soon replaced with fear. Sweat began to bead on the surface of your forehead as your heart rate rapidly increased. You could now clearly identify the voices as a pair of raspy sounding men and...your mom? Mustering up all the courage you had you slowly approached the stairs and peeked round the edge of the wall. Your (e/c) eyes immediately widened in horror at the petrifying sight infringe if you. "M-mom?"

Old Friends (Ticci Toby x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now