Stay Strong

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Let me set the stage

The fighting
The disagreeing
The feeling of disappointment
You're never enough
Every ounce of you bleeds
Every part of you cries
The anger just burns beneath
Your heart just stops

You take a breath
You realize she needs you
So you fight

Fight for what you think is right
To do right by her
She deserves it

Is it best for the both of you
It is for the best
Is it for him
Is it for the right reasons

Love is not supposed
To feel this way
Love is not supposed
To feel like failing
Love is to work together
Love is to be a part of something
Love is about communication
Love is about understanding
And giving
Love is supposed to be faithful
Love is belief
Love is trust

She might be blind
She may fight
May fight till she breaks
How will it feel then
Seeing her
Falling apart

Wounds heal
Words can not
Think of your words
She's fragile
She smiles through pain
She holds it in
She wants to feel love
To feel wanted
To feel valued
Listened to

Is that a crime?
Does she deserve it?
Why wouldn't she?

Things used to be better
Things were happy
Things were love

The only thing that came
Post stress
Post depression
Post happy
Post anything
Why did it have to be her
Why here
So she thinks
While he yells
Is it worth this
Is this what I want
Why doesn't he value me
Why doesn't he listen
Why can't he see the love
He pushed
He thought of him
He pushed harder
He wanted
He pushed more
He lost
The moments are gone
She doesn't fight anymore
She doesn't cry anymore

She's just silent
One minute she's smiling
Kissing even
Love making
The next moment
She wants to be anywhere else

Back to the beginning
She walks away
And life can pick up

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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