The Mystery of Ghost Town, USA (9)

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A/N: Ah, and here's the end of this horrible story. I desperately hope you didn't hate it as much as I did.

I woke up the next morning panicked. How could I possibly get out of the job I came here to do? It didn't seem fair to destroy this quirky and eccentric town. And suddenly an idea came to me. I rushed to get ready. In the process, I almost ran into Violet in the hall.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said, rushing past her, but not before noticing there was a little less black and a little more color in her outfit this morning. The colors were darker, but it was a start. I smiled at the prospect. Things were definitely looking up! I simply had to put my skill of persuasion to use for a greater cause than the one I came for. I couldn't be that unfeeling business lady from the city anymore. I had to be a down-to-earth country girl on a mission to ensure justice! Wow, have I come a long way!

To the library I went! It was the only place in town with computers. I had, of course, brought along my laptop, but I needed a printer. This very important mission of mine required professionalism. With two days till my deadline, I had to work fast. I printed my document and began knocking on doors, just like when I first came to town. But it was different this time. I knew their names and knew what I offered they would not refuse.

The first house belonged to the kind old florist. "Hello, Mrs. Abernathy," I greeted with a smile. "Can I interest you in a petition to save the town?"

My smile was immediately returned. "Of course!" she exclaimed. And so the first signature was graciously received. Her household signed with her.

I spent the next day and a half gathering signatures from all the town residents. With that complete, I signed my name in large letters at the bottom of the page to finish it off. I had to make my point clear. I thought they'd find it crystal.

Phase two began with me spreading the word of a meeting that needed to happen tomorrow morning in the square when my bosses arrived. This had always been the plan. But they were expecting to walk into a town I had convinced into the mall project. They weren't going to be very happy. But I was ready for them. We all were.

Phase three was the research, but that was all on me. I was determined to find everything I needed in order to make my plan succeed. I would not, could not, fail this time. This time it was personal.

In the morning we all gathered around the platform set up for the meeting. I stood up there watching the faces of the crowd. Some looked excited and some looked nervous. But all of us were fidgeting a little in anticipation of what was to come.

Finally, we could see the train arrive at the station behind us. Slowly, ever so slowly, walked out my bosses. They could not have looked more pleased by the turnout. I hated to break the news to them, but it was what I had to do.

I went over to greet them and we walked back to the platform together. "I trust everything's in order here?" I was asked.

My small, mischievous smile escaped their notice. Thankfully. "Yes," I said. "I have everything under control."

They eyed me carefully. "Good."

We stopped walking. Oh boy, I thought. Here we go. I began my speech by introducing my bosses and then by introducing my facts. The numbers said that more money could be made by building a museum of the town's history and publicizing the paranormal activity. People like malls, but they like ghosts more. I paused and let my findings set in. I slowly turned to face the people whose opinions mattered if I wanted to save my job.

They were angry. "You mean to say that you've been spending all your time here trying to undermine us and start some other project?"

"I've been trying to make you the most profit and still benefit everyone who lives here," I replied. "These people are stubborn. I tried convincing them your plan was for the best. They wouldn't listen." To help my point, I asked the crowd, "What did you think of their mall plan?" They erupted into boos. "See? Andhere's more proof." I held out the petition.

But this just made my bosses angrier. "Nicole, you're fired."

"Oh, well, that's too bad. I quit!"

"We'll just take our business elsewhere." With that, they left. Amid the cheers, no one noticed.

I stepped down from the platform. Everyone was thanking me.

The mayor stepped up and congratulated me on everything.

"Oh, well, thanks. But I don't have a job or anywhere to go," I said.

"Don't be crazy. We're going to need someone to run this museum when it's built. And I think you're just the person for the job."

I smiled and turned to Violet. "I guess I'll have to impose upon your hospitality a little longer," I said. She rolled her eyes and then hugged me.

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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