Chapter 12

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ILyanna Baratheon sat at the head table with her Lord husband sitting to her right. She smiled happily as she watched everyone feasting and dancing, enjoying themselves at her wedding reception.

Just hours before, she and her husband had been wed and now they were celebrating their union with their family and friends.

Gendry leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I forgot to tell you earlier, but you look very beautiful, wife of mine." his words bringing a blush to her cheeks and a bright smile to her lips.

ILyanna looked over at Gendry and replied, "You looked very handsome as well, husband."

Grinning, Gendry lifted her hand to his lips, and placed a soft kiss on her palm.

They were interrupted when a tall figure shadowed over them. Looking up, ILyanna and Gendry came across the face of Lord Stark.

Clearing his throat he spoke, "I was hoping to request a dance with the bride." and outstretched his hand for her to take.

ILyanna beamed up at her father and took his hand as he led her to the dance floor, "Look at my daughter, married and soon to be having children of your own." Lord Stark spoke as they began to dance, "It seems like it was only yesterday, you were my little girl following your papa around Winterfell, always causing mischief and getting into trouble with your brothers."

ILyanna gave her father a small smile and told him, "I'm still your little girl, papa. Nothing will change that." As the dance came to an end, she reached up and placed a kiss on her father's cheek, "I love you, papa." She whispered in his ear before she was swept in to another dance, this time by Robb.

ILyanna danced with every male member of her family, even Bran and Rickon, and then she danced with her new good-father, who was extremely drunk and kept stumbling about. After that she danced with the Lannister men. ILyanna enjoyed dancing with Lord Tyrion immensely, but Ser Jaime made her nervous with the way he stared at her.

Just as she was about to go sit back down she was led into another dance; this time, her dance partner was Theon.

"You look beautiful, Anna." Theon told her as they began their dance, she could smell the ale on his breathe with every word he spoke.

ILyanna stood stiffly in his arms, "Thank you, Theon."

"Far too beautiful, for an illegitimate son of the king, I still can not believe your father agreed to this union." Theon spoke bitterly.

His words caused ILyanna to frown at him, "Be careful of what you say concerning my husband, Theon, he is future king, after all."

Theon outright laughed at her, "I do not fear that bastard prince;" leaning closer to her, he whispered, "Run away with me, Anna."

ILyanna stared at him, astonish by his words, "Theon, what has gotten into you? Let me go this instant." She told him as she tried to pull away.

But instead of releasing her, Theon pulled her closer to him and continued more earnestly, "It is not too late, you have not consummated your marriage yet. We can slip away now, while no one is looking." And he leaned in to kiss her.

ILyanna backed away as much as she could, but with his tight grip on her, she didn't have far to go. Right as his lips were about to touch hers, a hand reached forward and grabbed Theon by his shoulder and yanked him away from ILyanna.

Looking up to her rescuer, ILyanna was faced with her very angry husband, glaring daggers at Theon, "Greyjoy..." Gendry growled out. As he advanced, Theon began to back up, only to run into some people blocking his way. A crowd had begun to form, the guests having noticed the commotion.

"What the blasted hells is going on!" ILyanna could hear the king yell from where he was sitting across the hall.

She frowned and reached forward grabbing Gendry's arm, stopping him before he could do anything harmful to Theon. When he looked down at her, ILyanna gave him a pleading look and shook her head, "Please, Gendry, not tonight."

Gendry frowned, but gave her a firm nod before turning back to the kraken, "Lucky for you it is my wedding day and my bride has requested I grant you lenience." Just a Theon was letting out a breath of relief, Gendry finished, "But, as punishment you will spend the rest of the royal family's visit in the dungeons. Guards, take him!"

As the guards exited the room, dragging Theon along with them, Lord Stark and King Robert finally reached the couple.

"Well, I think you handled that very well, my prince." Ned said to Gendry, giving him a firm nod.

"Yes, very well indeed, what did I tell you Ned; this boy will be a far better king that I ever have been!" Robert slurred, patting Gendry on the shoulder. "Now that that's over, I say, time for the bedding ceremony!" King Robert exclaimed.

But when everyone turned their attention back to the wedded couple, they were no longer there.

Gendry and ILyanna raced up the stairs to their chambers as quickly as possible, laughing together as they went. They had managed to give the entire banquet hall the slip.

When they finally reached the door to their rooms, they entered together and saw that all of ILyanna's things had already been packed for the journey tomorrow morning, save for an outfit that was laid out for the next day.

When ILyanna saw that there was no nightgown for her to sleep in, it really hit her, what was about to happen. And she was nervous.

Gendry, having already stripped down to just his trousers, noticed her change, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Nothing has to happen tonight if you don't want it to, Love."

ILyanna shook her head, "No, I want this to happen. I want to be your wife in every possible way. I'm just a bit nervous." She told him, and then turned her back, "Would you help me with the buttons?"

Gendry began unfastening the gown, "If it will make you feel any better, this is my first time also, and I too am a bit nervous." He replied as the last button was undone.

His wife turned around to face him with a small smile on her face as she answered him, "That does make me feel a bit better." Then she let her dress fall, pooling to the ground around her feet.

Gendry gaped at the sight of his beautiful bride baring herself for the first time to his eyes only.

As he finished undressing the rest of the way, Gendry scoped ILyanna up and carried her to the bed. Gently, he laid her down and climbed up beside her.

Leaning on his arms, Gendry hovered over her and spoke quietly, "Do you trust me?"

ILyanna didn't hesitate before answering an equally quiet 'yes'.

*I.S & G.B*

Gendry was lying on his back, his arms folded beneath his head, "I think I'm falling in love with you." Gendry told her, his soft words booming in the quiet room.

ILyanna lifted her head from its place on his chest. She smiled at him and replied, "I think I already have."

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