Teeth And Bloomies

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Teeth And Bloomies

     Diane stirred and then she was awake. She stretched languidly and turned toward the young man asleep next to her. What had passed between them just hours earlier had been as insane as it had been pleasurable. Had he really stood up and turned her upside down for a standing sixty-nine? Yeah. He was a very handsome kid thought Diane who was thirty-seven. He had light blue eyes and a big honker sitting on his face; his hair was dark and Diane estimated he was about six foot two without shoes. The rosiness visible along his cheekbones led Diane to estimate that he was still under twenty-five. His skin seemed perfect; almost waxy looking and somewhat disturbingly, he reminded Diane of a life like mannequin. There were simply not enough details to him yet. Diane suspected that this foreigner was one of those men who would grow more completed looking as more time and life settled into his skin. A real live tomcat! Diane thought, as she looked him over in the growing light. With great care, Diane slipped out of the bed and started to gather her clothing from the floor. Her bra was useless now…her panty was unwearable; the young man had torn them both with his teeth if Diane recalled correctly. She found her girdle and ruined hose, the hem of her dress was ripped asunder and Diane recalled that she’d been lifted right out of her pumps while still in the hotel elevator. Good fucking times! She didn’t want to linger only to discover a nasty blemish on her fun so Diane decided to beat it out of the hotel room right after a quick shower. He was so tall and strong. So full of need so…nicely equipped it would be a shame thought Diane, if he had turned into just another shitty bastard overnight. Diane entered the bathroom naked with her clothing tucked beneath her arm then she turned the shower faucet.

     The brunette was named…Diane. They’d agreed not to divulge last names or details. He knew that her intent had been to leave before he awoke but Declan had only been pretending to sleep when she’d risen. When Diane emerged from the bathroom as fully dressed as she could manage; given a lack of brassiere, hose and panties the young man was sitting up in bed magnificently black, alabaster, blue and still naked. Breakfast. He’d ordered them both room service and said that he wanted to talk for a bit. Diane loved everything about his accent; it seemed so careful and oddly formal given what had transpired between them. The rich baritone of his voice and his gentle way of speaking were simply the cherry on top of everything. Despite all of their athletics and the heated roughness of their encounter Diane found that she wasn’t bruised anywhere. This young man has skills! She felt a slight soreness, there between her legs but he was far from small and she was indeed petite. What she felt was not the result of clumsiness or stupidity; it was simply a by-product of their fervor. He was no cad. They sat together and ate breakfast after he showered then the handsome kid offered to take her to Bloomingdale’s to replace the “knickers” he had destroyed. As the fourth daughter of a Brooklyn sanitation worker and the ex-wife of a longshoreman, Diane found herself embarrassingly impressed. She had always been a Woolworth’s or Korvette’s type of girl; Diane had only ever worn cheap-ass underwear. She had never even considered visiting Bloomies to window shop.

“I‘ll be in town for another four weeks. I’d like to see you again. That is, if you’re agreed.” Diane couldn’t resist even when he’d plainly stated that their relationship was ultimately a dead end for them both. Why not? Diane asked herself. Good sex was hard to find and great sex was preciously rare. It also appeared that this young kid was a spender and wasn’t he also very polite? Diane looked him over carefully one more time. Oh yes, Diane thought to herself. She’d caught a glimpse of it last night when they’d been introduced. It was still there. Something was there. Something extra was lurking just beneath his surface, shaded by his youth, charm, and manners. And it aint nothing nice neither! Diane shivered. She knew a couple of men like him in Brooklyn but they didn’t have a hold of it as well as this one. Four weeks was all that she wanted. She’d keep that in mind. There was no way Diane wanted this man to care about her a great deal and she pitied anyone who might someday earn too much of his attention, be it his love or his hatred.

“Well, What’s it going to be?” he asked.

“Yeah. Four weeks. Sounds good.”

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