Happily Ever Never

759 75 45

Poem #7


Happily Ever Never


The birds remained silent stunned by her state.

And there she lay helpless and torn, unaware of her grace.

Changes occur quite fast, the memories of her past were stolen.

The cuts decorating her drained arms were quite a token.

Her inner self entertwined, raptured, and bound with torturous chains.

Hate came from her heart; all the purity and love left to evade.

Tears continued to join her parade of drastic agony.

The upsetting music was her soothing symphony.

And so she was lost, lost in her distress...

The complete silence added to the mess.

No one was there; not a single soul helped her.

So her true form remained tathered until it faded happily ever never.



This poem is made for all of you who feel like your life is "stuck" and feel as if you are being tortured and can't escape from those horrible events/people that are the "chains". Chains were made by humans, we created them so therefore we can break them. Don't give up that easily in life, find your strength, be the person you want to be! Use that strength and break free. Find your Happily Ever After! Everyone deserves one.

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