Time For Shopping

Start from the beginning

I on the other hand looked like poop. I was pale and sweaty and mad and scared and frustrated and pissed! Mainly pissed. If I could turn into what Oliver turned into down there, then I will reek havoc on my father for killing my mother. Just sitting their, in a wheel chair, having a broken ankle, I felt like I could take on the world. I don't know the first thing about what werewolves do and how the transform or shift or whatever you call it. All I know is that I'm gonna find out and use it to my advantage.

"HELLO!! EARTH TO CLEO!!" Avery was now screaming bloody murder in my face.

"What?!" I yelled getting annoyed at her loud persona.

"You spaced out for like 2 min while I was asking weather you want to go to rue 21 or debs first. Debs has some nice underwear. Bot as nice as Victoria secret, which we will be stopping at by the way, but pretty good." I just groaned at the whole thing and put my hands to my forehead as I felt a migraine come one.

"Ok I'll take that as a 'sure Avery, take me where you think the cutest clothes are!" she said in a bright and cheery voice which was not how I felt about the situation but what could I do. She is going to control my wheel chair sooooo....

Avery comes over real quick to help me up and we hobble our of her bedroom and out to where they park their cars. And when I say cars, I mean literally every member has a car and it is beautiful. Their was a Lamborghini, a hummer, a Porsche, but my favorite was an old rusty Chevy Pick up that was cobalt blue with leather interior and it was beautiful. But that just so happened to be Oliver's dad's so it was a big no no. We kept walking till be came to a cute little forest green Subaru outback which I knew was Avery's so I hobbled to the passenger seat and hopped in quickly putting my seatbelt on knowing her driving.

Avery got in the driver side and started it with a low pur of the engine. She quickly turned on the stereo and we jammed out to fall out boy, my chemical romance and panic at the disco all the way to the mall. Thank the lord.





"Avery lets go!" I said as she grabbed a few more dresses off the shelf and handed them to me and shooed me into the changing room. This whole trip sucked because I forgot to put on deodorant so I stink, I hit my foot like six times and this dick stepped on it and I broke down crying and punched him in the gut. I haven't found a dress and I can't stand straight to make or look even. We already went to Victoria secret for some thongs and bras and other store to get accessories and I was tired and hungry.

I put on one of the dresses which was a crimson red that hugged my body and had one strap over the shoulder. I walked out and quickly rushed back in when Avery started making gag noises.

The next dress was a tannish yellow that was tight in the boobs but flowed out under them making it a beautiful summer dress but not homecoming in Avery's words.

The next one was a white one the was clipped over the shoulder with a gold pin and was tight to my body but had noticeable ruffles. It ended just above the knees and was really comfy. When I wakes out I heard gasps but not just from Avery but from all the other girls outside of the dressing rooms. I must have turned the color of a rose cuz they kept staring.

"That one." she said as she stood up and came over to hug me. When she did she whisper "You look absolutely stunning. Imagine what your gonna look like healed and beautified." she said grabbing my shoulders turning me around and pushing me into the changing room.

Once I changed, we bought the dress and found a pair of mid calve greek sandals that went perfect with the dress. And we set off to the car. Well I was still hobbling but it felt much better so I guess I do heal fast. Finally we made it to the car and I plopped down In the seat, exhausted from waking and changing and I didn't want to do anything.

"Where to now?" she asked as we pulled out of our parking spot. I put on my most serious face and turned to look her in the eye.

"Mc Donald's" and that was all I remeber before a twenty piece mc nugget and a Carmel frappe.







I this chapter to agent_gangster and to my fellow pack member PsychoDonut!!! Haha thanks for the votes and reads and I will keep posting ASAP! If you got any ideas, message me and I will try to add them! Thanks so much for reading and continue to cuz their is more! Oh and agent_gangster, I'll talk to my Beta but of you want I would like to make you apart of our pack. :)


-Rylee B-

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