Chp.23 Dance

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Lance POV.

Me and Keith have always been in dance class together since freshman year. It'd be weird if Keith wasn't in class the way he moved was the first thing Lance noticed about him. He dance like his life depended on it, music was in his soul. He loved when Keith taught him because he saw the way his face lit up and how much he enjoyed it. Lance never would forget the day he first taught Keith ballet. He had tried so hard but he sucked his body just didn't move in the same way, he didn't relax into it. As time went on Keith did get better in ballet he even performed in one of ballet routines at competition because one dancer got injured. But nevertheless he was in the back and he'll stick to hip-hop. Keith and Lance were waiting outside the dance room waiting for Mrs.Callie to come to class. "Lance what's your favorite sport? Ya know other than dance?" Keith asked out of nowhere. "Ah, I used to swim so I would guess that, not really into sports though my mom still has blackmail pictures of me in speedos." I laughed knowing that Keith was now imagining me in a speedo, and he was blushing. But soon enough Mrs.Callie was unlocking her door and ready to tear off our heads at any missteps or wrong moves. I kept detracting Keith in class today by making random silly faces at him, I literally don't know why I did that. But Mrs.Callie didn't tear off any of the ballet team's heads today, we did everything to her liking but of course it can still be better. I successfully lifted Mora but Keith still couldn't watch he's so scared I'm going to drop her. But after class was finally over me and Keith headed to the courtyard to chill and do some homework, I knocked out math and physics before Keith wanted a break and before he knew it he agreed to let me pick him up the way he does Mora. I could tell he was scared, you could totally see it in his face. But it's the only way he'll be able to watch the full ballet performance. I had to count to 3 so Keith would know when I was going to pick him up, just for you know less screaming. Keith was finally content with my lifting job and could watch. "Hey, wanna get out of here?" I asked sounding as cliché as possible. Keith blushes and responded with "take me anywhere." I bent down motioning Keith to climb on my back and ran to the car. I got to our spot with barely legal speeds. Looking at out at the Chicago skyline this is where they fell in love.  

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