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What is Wizard101?

-A MMORPG game that you play online. You play as a Wizard who is fighting for the safety of the spiral and a student at RavenWood. It is based off of card magic magic. Duels are in a take-turns style.

Is it free?

-No. Yes. Kinda. A few parts (streets/areas) in WizardCity are, but all of the other worlds are not free.

How do you get to paid areas?

-You have to either have a membership or buy that area with crowns.

How do I get membership?

-You pay for it online with a credit card or you buy a prepaid card.

Why should I get a prepaid card?

-You have the choice of membership or crowns, plus a free pet

What is the prices for a prepaid card? What is the membership/crown amount?

-$10; 5,000 Crowns or 1 Month Membership. (Same as a $29 or $39 bundle)

-$20; 10,000 Crowns or 2 Month Membership

What is a bundle?

-Usually comes with a mount, clothing, wand, house and pet. A cheaper bundle may not have all if these items.

What is crowns?

-The currency you pay for

What is gold?

-currency you can earn

Can I earn crowns?

-Yes, through FreeKI Games, Trivia, or watching videos in game (all for 10 crowns per activity)

How do I get Wizard101?

-You download and install it to your computer/laptop.

-it's compatible with both windows and Mac

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