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Teio drummed her fingers on the table, tail swaying back and forth as she listened to various pop songs, deep in thought. The members of Spica had been hopeless lately. Well, not all of them. Special Week and Silence Suzaka seemed to be moving along well. Though, that didn't change the fact that the rest of her club members were pining hopelessly. Scarlet and Vodka had been more competitive lately, no doubt both trying to impress each other. She let out a small giggle, pulling her favorite pen and a crumpled piece of paper from her bag, which was slumped against her desk, most of the contents spilling out.

A few minutes passed before Teio set her pen down, a crude diagram marked in front of her. The blue ink was scrawled over the paper with a copious amount of spiky writing, as well as poorly doodled headshots of Vodka, Daiwa Scarlet, Gold Ship and Mejiro McQueen. She reared back, inspecting her work before nodding and letting out an "evil" laugh, which awoke her roommate.

After a thorough scolding, six hours of sleep, and a full day of classes, Teio finally found herself in the Spica club-room. She grinned, all of culprits were in the same room, meaning her evil plan could finally advance!

Teio advanced towards Vodka, who was arguing with Scarlet, as per usual. She snapped to get their attention, and when that didn't work, flounced over and slid in between the two.

"Strawberry is obviously better, you ruffia-"

Vodka laughed as Teio cut Scarlet off, her hand on her hip with a toothy smile.

"It's not funny, Vodka!" Scarlet huffed, her magenta eyes darting to Teio's face. "What is it Teio? Vodka and I were having a very serious discussion about how chocolate ice cream is inferior to strawberry."

Vodka squinted. "Strawberry ice cream doesn't even taste like real strawberries! It tastes like cafeteria strawberry milk."

"Are you implying that strawberry milk is bad!?"

"woah! Hold on girls! I know how to settle this." Teio exclaimed, pointing her thumb towards her chest triumphantly. "This Saturday! We'll go to the ice cream parlor together. Mcqueen, Gold and I can judge which flavor tatses better!"

Vodka grinned, pointing at Scarlet. "Chocolate will be the victor!"

"Oh, you're on!"


Teio skipped outside, turning her gaze upward to see Gold Ship sat upon a giant tire, shouting at McQueen, who was bound to said tire and pulling it at a steady pace.

"Hey! Guys!" Teio shouted, waving her arms at them.

McQueen's ears perked up, and she turned her head towards Teio, cocking her lavender eyebrows. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly snapped it shut as Gold interrupted her.

"Eh? What is it Teio?!" The silver haired girl shouted, jumping off of the tire and leaning against it.

"I volunteered you guys to judge a Chocolate vs Strawberry ice cream faceoff."

"McQueen and I will be there!" Gold exclaimed, giving Teio a thumbs up.

McQueen flushed, ears flattening against her head. "Gold! I never agreed to this!"

They argued for about a minute before Mejiro begrudgingly agreed, and Teio skipped off to finally practice. Her plan was going along perfectly.


That night when in her dorm, Teio pulled out her phone, scrolling through her contacts before finding everybody she needed

Teio step! Has added Golden, Mejiro McQueen, VodkaOnTheRocks and ScarletHime to Icecream Battle

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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