Chapter 1: The Party (Tyler)

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It all started at the party, it was Summer and I was at the hottest party of the school year drinking alone and watching people mingle and socializing... and then I saw a guy looking at me from across the room with eyes that twinkled and a body that made you ache for more before he got caught up with his friends and disappeared.

My name is Tyler and I'm gay, the only issue is that not a lot of people know that and I keep it to myself. Maybe it was the fact that I found myself at the coolest party of the junior year, or maybe it was the fact that I didn't find myself in the bathroom yet hiding from everyone else but I knew there was something about this guy when I saw him before he disappeared with his friends of the football team.

It was the smile wasn't it? Or maybe it was the twinkle of his eyes before he disappeared. Either way, I was thinking like a fucking idiot. I decided to just meet up with my best friend Shay who was mingling with her girlfriend Carly and get a drink or two before going home and going back to editing pictures.

Shay is your typical lesbian, she's open about it too and she's fun at parties, probably funner then me. I came out to her last year and now everytime she meets a guy when out and about, she makes sure to bring me up in conversations. It's a nice gesture and all but I don't think any guy would be interested in a rising photographer with a knack for cynical jokes and pretending to look interested in a party...

Shay found me before I found her and she had a big ass grin on her face. "What?" I asked before she could say anything. "I saw you making googly eyes with Marcus, the quarterback on the football team." I didn't realize that he was on the football team or the quarterback for that matter. No wonder he looked really fit when I got a glimpse of him...

"Tyler" Shay was snapping her fingers at me trying to get my attention. "Earth to Tyler!" I glanced at her before she could say anything else, I already knew she was going to try and hook me up with him but I couldn't bear the regret that would follow. High School is a mess already and me and Shay are the lowest of the low.

My mind kept on going back to the freezeframe image of his face and the way that he looked at me though. "Maybe he wasn't even gay?" I thought. My mind was racing and I needed another drink to cool down. I told Shay that I needed to get a drink and she understood with that damned wide ass smile and then she went with her girlfriend back onto the dancefloor with whatever top hit was playing from the DJ.

As I was getting a drink, I managed to overhear a conversation between two basics who went from conversating about makeup to a different rumor that made me almost spit out my drink. "Did you hear that Marcus was gay?" Now I didn't want to think it myself but maybe he was after all, maybe I had a chance after all...

After getting a few drinks in, my mind full of confidence. I went to Shay and Carly and partied for a bit and then I saw Marcus walking back inside alone, I decided that it was then and there, that I wanted to make a move that I would never regret...

Authors Note: Dear Reader, you're probably wondering of all the plotholes and such that appear throughout the story and I apologise extensively for all of the different time changes and "will he, won't he's", I want to create a story that adds on each chapter and will dealve in on character development. The next chapter will be from Marcus's perspective and we'll learn about what he was doing while Tyler was having an extensive brain breakdown. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter since it's my first book and I want to create a name for myself, suggestions are highly recommended and I hope everyone enjoys!
-Galaxies 🏳️‍🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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