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Chapter Summary: The plan is set for the  takedown of HYDRA but things are about to get complicated.  No one ever said helping S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to be easy, did they?

Soundtrack: Blindsided by Bon Iver

Tony and Samantha sat in front of a computer screen in the basement/lab of Tony's mansion. It had been a few days since the plan had been made with the other Avengers. Clint had 'infiltrated' S.H.I.E.L.D. and had started cosying up to Pierce. Steve was waiting for Project Insight to be hacked and temporarily shut down so that he could fake his death and Natasha was poised and ready to be taken in for interrogation.

Samantha typed a few digits and a message saying 'Project Insight Shutting Down' came across the screen "There we go, one secret global organisation hacked and one top secret, highly illegal project temporarily shut down," Samantha announced with a smirk. She grabbed the burner phone she'd bought the day before and dialled the number for Natasha Romanov's burner phone "We are a go," was all the teenager said after the other end of the line was picked up.

"After all of this we need to sort out a school for you," Tony said as she typed up the document which would act as a part of their cover.

"No need, I graduated from UCLA a couple of months ago. Did a double major in Law and Communications," she replied sounding slightly proud of herself.

A few moments of silence followed in which Tony did an awful lot of thinking. He didn't want to lose Samantha to HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D. or anyone else. Despite the fact that he already knew his daughter was intelligent and her strategies were pretty much foolproof yet sophisticated but her inner strength had been diminished greatly by the combination of Audrey's death and the break-up with Matthew and he worried about what an intense interrogation would do to her mental state "What happens if they don't believe the cover story?" he eventually asked.

"I'll go willingly and peacefully. If they interrogate me I'll stand my ground," she replied with a shrug "I'll be fine Dad," she continued almost as though she needed the reassurance as much as he did.

"Sir there are some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents at the door," Jarvis announced in his typically polite manner.

"Send them in," Tony said with a sigh. He trudged up the stairs to see two agents in the hallway. "If you're here to take the suits, Fury already called dibs on them so they're going to Pierce once I'm done with them but you can take anything else," Tony said in his typical sarcastic tone.

"We're not here on matters regarding confiscation Mr Stark. I'm Agent Ward and this is Agent Skye. We've received intel that S.H.I.E.L.D's mainframe was hacked and the IP address was tracked to this location, mind if we take a look?" the male agent stated, showing his credentials, he was tall and slightly tanned with well-defined muscles and short, black hair. His partner was shorter and younger with long brown hair and was clearly of Asian descent.

"Dad, I think I've screwed up typing up that document," Samantha called as she climbed up the stairs "Who's this?" she asked innocently.

"This is Agent Ward and Agent Skye from S.H.I.E.L.D., agents this is my daughter Samantha," Tony introduced before quickly changing the subject "What's up with the computer?" he asked.

"I must have clicked on something but it's led me to this site for Project Insight. Was that the charity for blind people Pepper mentioned the other day?" Samantha asked, continuing her feigned innocence.

Ward looked to Skye and then back to the father and daughter "Excuse me, but did you say something about Project Insight?"

"Yeah. Oh my God I swear I am such a ditz when it comes to computers. Dad was getting me to type up the results of the test we were doing on the Mark 44 and I must have clicked on something weird to do with it because it came up with this thing saying 'Project Insight is shutting down'," she explained in a lie.

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