Chapter Twentyfour

Start from the beginning

As soon as the words left her mouth, my eyes went wide. Serenity was fighting one of her friends? My mouth fell agape in astonishment. I never really doubted that Serenity was an easy going person. Without a doubt she's a fighter not a lover. Although it still fucking surprises me, I expected it. I just wasn't expecting her to be fighting someone at this very moment. Once I had found my voice again, I jumped up from the couch in an urge to stop the fight before it gets too intense, which I'm sure it's already there by the shouting I hear in the back of the call. 

With Louis, Luke, and Niall watching me, I rapidly spoke words that I had no control of. "Where are you?" 

"My house. You've been here before." She said quickly. "And hurry." 

"Wait," I called before she could hang up. I heard her sigh heavily into the phone. "Is my girl winning?" 

Clary scoffed. "Just get here, dumb ass!" 

"Okay, okay." I hung up the phone, turning to look at the boys. They were already staring up at me, expecting an explanation as to why I'm talking about beating ass. "You guys want to catch a cat fight?" I asked quickly, the game on the TV was now completely useless as we all rushed outside. 


I gasped for air as my head came up to the surface. My skull was aching so terribly, my nostrils on fire from the chlorine water that ran up nose. I coughed terribly, trying to get rid of the burning in my throat as well. When Renee rose up from the water, my hand came down to her swollen, bleeding nose. Another cry escaped her. I could imagine the more pain she felt. I began to find bruises on my knuckles, pain on my jaw, and my head still aching from the way our heads slammed into the edge of the pool. 

We were a mess of tangled legs and punching fists again. I felt nails dig into my shoulder harshly, to the point where blood was trickling from the indent of her nails. I hissed in anger, raising my leg and pushing it against her stomach with most of my strength. Her body was pushed a few inches away from me, battling coughs and wincing before she came back for more. 

"Just give up, Serenity!" She shrieked. 

"Not until you get what you deserve. All this time you've had it in for me!" I shouted back breathlessly, my fist slamming into her cheek. Renee gasped, grasping the area with a hand. She fumed at the sensation of pain, kicking my hip and arousing more pain to form there. 

Water splashed and begin to sting my eyes. I squinted my eyes, trying to keep the water from getting to my eyes too much. I was determined to have her give up. I can't give up and be damned for it all my life because I know she'll never give it up. She's a disrespectful bitch. Always trying to be better than me because she was secretly jealous. 

"So what? I never liked you, that's true!" Renee screamed, her nails scratching against my chest.

Before I could react, a series of different voices erupted through the air. In the second Renee was completely distracted, my hand slapped against her face so hard her head turned to the side from the impact. Everyone heard it, causing another round of shouts to rise. 

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