Hello, Halfling...

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Finally, Elijah had found the place described by Gandalf. He wouldn't have found it if it weren't for the mark on the door. Hopefully he wasnt too late... maybe he could catch a glimpse of his king.
He knocked on the door gently and sighed. Elijah was nervous. What is he was too late, what if something bad happens. A small hobbit opened the door. They made eye contact and Elijah blushed a bit.
"Elijah Heartbarrow... At your service. Im sorry if I'm late. I hope the others aren't bothering you."
"No, no. They're fine. Just... come in, I dont care anymore..." the hobbit responded. Elijah bowed and thanked him. He went in to be met with two of his best friends. He hadn't seen Fili and Kili in ages. Jeez, they're tall. Elijah thought, smiling.
     "Elijah!" Fili shouted, running over and hugging his friend. Kili quickly joined. Elijah let go and gently held their arms. "How've you two been?" He asked, smiling, tears budding at the corners of his eyes. After a bit of converaation, the rest, besides Thorin, arrived and were sitting at the table. All except Elijah.
"He's here."

Until the end... (A Hobbit Oc insert)Where stories live. Discover now