Hospital dash

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Seto is woken by the sound of his phone ringing beside him. He slowly sits up in his bed and answers the phone.
"Seto Kaiba speaking how can I help?" He automatically responds.
"Hello, Mr Kaiba. We have a Joey wheeler here who asked for you when he arrived. I think you should get here as quickly as possible." The nurse on the other end of the phone informed him. Seto was suddenly standing up and threw on whatever clothing he laid his hands on first, thanked the nurse and left for the hospital.

It wasn't long before  he reached the hospital, chasing around and yelling at people to find out where he is. It took him a total of ten minutes to run around the hospital to get to him, but in his eyes it was worth every second of it. The smell of sterilisation equipment filling his nostrils causing him to feel sick. He reached the room that Joey was in and dived to the side of his bed, taking his hand in both of his.
"What have you done now Joey? You can't do this to me now." Seto began to sob into the sheets on the bed. He was that focused on his boyfriend that he didn't hear the nurse come in and stand behind him.
"Seto Kaiba?" The nurse asked, scaring the lights out of Seto. Seto fell from the side of the bed and screamed as he went. The nurse chuckled whilst he was trying to compose himself and stopped as soon as he was paying attention.
"Is it good news?" He asked solemnly.
"I'm afraid it is bad news. He is in a medically induced coma for now to keep him alive." The nurse stated. This wasn't enough for Seto though.
"But, what's wrong with him? What's wrong with my boyfriend?" He begged. The nurse was taken aback by his words, slightly shocked at what she was hearing.
"It's the twenty-first century for Ra's sake" was all seto could must at the time.
"You might want to sit on a chair before I tell you. It can be a lot to take in at once." The nurse started.

Yami woke up to an unfamiliar feeling. Before he could open his eyes he knew something was wrong, different about his bed. As he opened his eyes he could see the familiar hair of his new boyfriend. Yugi was pressed up against him, Yami's and around his body.  He was happy that things had finally turned out right, perfect even.
"What's than in my lower back?" Yugi chuckled to himself as he stirred in Yami's arms. Shocked he told yugi that it was nothing and pulled away from him slightly.
"I didn't say move away now." He chuckled as he turned to face his love. At that point the phone rang. Yami grabbed it and answered.
"Hello, Yami here."
"It's so. J-J- Joey he is- in hospital! Hey here quick"so cried through the phone, Clearly in distress.

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