amy walks back in. "rylin, ethan, i'm so sorry you guys had to find out that way." 

"wait, you knew?" i ask her, confused.

"well, yeah. and i was going to wait to tell you until you were in a better place, but kara beat me to it."

i nod. "so you're not pregnant?"

she shakes her head. "no, grayson and i lied about that to protect you."

i think for a moment, everything falling into place. the way kara kept trying to tell us something. the way she tried answering me about those vitamins. it finally made sense why everyone was acting so weird.

"kara's really having a baby?" ethan asks, his voice barely above a whisper. "my baby?"

amy nods her head empathetically, looking at ethan. "the crazy bitch did it all on purpose to get you back."

i could've guessed that one. 

"how do we even know the baby is ethan's?" i ask, and amy turns her head to look at me.

"well, the times match up. and she says she hasn't been with anyone else since."

"and we're just supposed to take her word for it?" ethan scoffs.

"no, of course not. but we can't do DNA testing until the end of her first trimester. and kara might say no to doing it in the first place since it's a very risky procedure for the baby."

ethan rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. i can see how stressed he is.

"fucking shit," he mutters. then he looks over at me, as if he just remembered i was still here. "rylin, i am so sorry."

i rub his arm softly. "it's not your fault. you didn't do anything wrong here."

i had no right to be angry at him. and i wasn't. they had sex before we were even together, and kara tricked him into all of this. 

still, i felt heartbroken. he was going to have a baby with another woman. i had no clue what that meant for our relationship. 

suddenly, ethan stands up and walks to our closet. he starts taking out our clothes, packing them into our bags.

"eth, what are you doing?" i ask him.

"we're not fucking staying her any longer. i don't want to see that bitch for the rest of the weekend." he stops for a moment, walking to the door. he calls out, "grayson!"

after a few seconds, we hear grayson call back, "yeah?"

"pack your stuff, we're leaving in twenty minutes."

ethan walks back to the closet, continuing to pack. i stand up and start helping him. 

"is there anything i can do to help?" amy offers. i can tell she feels bad about all this.

ethan shakes his head. "no, we're fine." 

grayson walks in then. "why are we leaving?" 

amy answers. "they found out about kara."

grayson raises his eyebrows, then nods. he walks over to ethan. "hey, bro, i get that you're upset and all, but it's almost midnight. why don't we just leave in the morning?"

"i don't want to be near her, gray. if you don't want to leave, then ride back with amy."

he thinks for a second. "no, i'll leave with you guys." i give grayson a small smile as he walks back to his room to pack.

once ethan finishes with our stuff, he carries the bags out to the car. i walk out to the hallway, heading to grayson's room, but kara stops me.

"where are you guys going?" she crosses her arms.

"we're leaving, kara." 

"why didn't you guys tell me? i'm not even packed yet."

i roll my eyes. "are you fucking delusional? we're leaving to get away from you.

"how am i supposed to get home then?" 

"you'll go home with amy." 

she walks closer to me. "rylin, i'm the mother of his baby. do you really think he's going to stay with you?"

"no, i don't think he will. i know he will." i walk away from her and enter grayson's room.

leaning on the door frame, i find him by his bed packing. "almost ready, gray?"

he turns around, zipping up his bag. "yep, just finished."

he walks out with me and we head to ethan's car. grayson puts his bag in the trunk while ethan starts the car.

"you don't know how glad i am to be going back without kara," grayson tells me.

i chuckle, smiling at him. "is that why you agreed to come home with us tonight?"

"hell yeah. if i went with amy, we'd be stuck with kara." we walk towards the car doors, but before he gets in, he stops me by grabbing my shoulder. "is ethan okay?"

i give him a sympathetic smile. "in all honesty, no."

he just nods and then gets in the car. i do the same.


we're finally back home, despite having to call amy several times because we got lost.

ethan and i are laying in his bed, his head resting on my stomach. he wraps his arms tightly around my hips while i play with his soft curls, trying to soothe him.

"what am i going to do, rylin?" his voice is small, and i can hear the worry in it.

i honestly had no clue what to answer.

"all we can do right now is hope she agrees to the DNA test so we can find out if this baby is even yours."

i feel him nod his head. "and if it is?"

i freeze. i didn't want to think about that yet. it hurt me too much. plus, there was no reason to worry about it unless that time came.

"let's just hope it's not."

- - - 


i nearly died when i saw that this morning! you guys mean the world to me for reading and voting and commenting. it makes me so insanely happy you guys like this book, especially since it's my first one.

anyway, next chapter will be up later tonight. hope you all liked this one?

as always, keep commenting and voting!

- lexi

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