Aria gets a text and then goes to open the door.

She comes back with Brianna and her family.

Me-What are u doing here?

Aria-I invited them.


My mom and dad walked in the living room.


Mr. King-Anthony?

They hugged.

Dad-Its been a while.

Me-Dad, u know him?

Dad-Yea. We grew up together. Been good friends forever.

Me-Oh ok.

Brianna-Iman, I've been trying to get in touch with u for a while now.


What could she want to talk about? She almost ruined my fucking marriage in one night.

Brianna-Well there are a few things I need to talk with u about.

Mom-Who is this?

Aria-Ma, this is Brianna. She's carrying your grandchild.

My mom and dad look at her, her stomach, and then me.

Dad-Iman, u stepped out on your wife?

Me-It was a mistake.

Brianna-Yea. One that lasted for 5 years.

Mom-5 years? You've been married for 16 years.

Me-I know. I messed up.

Dad-Hakeem, this your daughter?

Mr. King-Yes she is.

Brianna-I need to talk to u Iman.

Me-About what?

Brianna-Could we talk alone for a minute?

I look at Aria.

Aria-What u looking at me for?

Me-Do u want to come too?

Aria-She said she needed to talk to u. Not me. We've already talked a while ago.

Aria turns to Bri.

Aria-Bri, I have no problems with u. U knew nothing about me and it wasn't your fault that he continuously lied to u for five years.

She turns and goes outside.

Me-Come on Brianna. We can talk in here.

We walk in the kitchen and she sits down at the table.

Me-What do u want to talk about?

Brianna-Well for one, I'm having a girl.

Me-Ok. Is that all u needed to tell me?

Brianna-No its not. During the ultrasound last month, the doctor had us listen to the baby's heartbeat and it was abnormal. So they ran some tests and they found out that her heart wasn't growing at the rate that it should be.

Me-Ok and what?

Brianna-They said that she has a hole in her heart and that if it hasn't completely grown by the time I give birth to her, she might not survive the first six hours.

I think. If the baby don't survive, I won't have to deal with Brianna no more. I won't have to have anything to do with her ever again. And I won't have to explain to my kids how they have another sibling that's not they mamas.
Brianna POV

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