
911 23 6

Y/n pov

Nobody cares if I die...
I am worthless
I am stupid
I am ugly
I am disgusting
Everybody hates me
I should just die

The pain is real...
But I wanna do more
I should just end everything..

I took the small box that had my letter for c/n I read it one last time..

C/n I have loved you for a long time...
I wanna tell you how much I love are the most beautiful thing I ever seen...I wanna tell you that i love you but I can't...
I am not good enough for you...
I am sorry..
And if you ever read this
Tell my mom and dad that I love them
I love you c/n...I love you so much.


I love you c/n....but it's time to say goodbye...

I took the blade and and this time I dragged the blade deep into my wrist..

This is it c/n ..
I thought as my vision started getting blurry..

Goodbye... then everything turned black..

C/n's pov

"Y/n I am coming in!!!"
I shouted and opened her door..

It is funny that she left the door open...she is so silly but she need to be careful..

"Y/n!!!" I shouted once more

Hm ...where is??
I should check her bedroom

I quickly walked to her bedroom and looked everywhere

Not here....something is not right..

She might be in the bathroom

I quickly opened the door an-


y/n is laying in the tub with her arm sliced??

I quickly dialled for the police
(A/n:I don't know who we should call..should he call the police or a hospital or an ambulance??)

"Y/n open you eyes!!!" I screamed trying to wake her up..

But it was no use...she was dead...

Tears started forming in my eyes..

I suddenly saw that she was clutching a piece of paper in her hand..

I gently took the paper and read it

C/n I have loved you for a long time...
I wanna tell you how much I love are the most beautiful thing I ever seen...I wanna tell you that i love you but I can't...
I am not good enough for you...
I am sorry..
And if you ever read this
Tell my mom and dad that I love them
I love you c/n...I love you so much.


Y/n......I love you ...

"Y/n I love you too"
I said as I grabbed the hand of my lifeless love...

"I love you so much..."

The end

Word count:456

Finally .I updated....
Was that sad ??? I thought it was funny...I mean ..I was actually laughing while I was reading this

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter



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