9: Dashing, Soaring, Racing!

Start from the beginning

"Why were they chaisng you anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Well duh, fans! They wanted an aughtograph, pictures, and....***Shivers nervously** to be my girlfriend, as if" He snapped. "Whoa whoa whoa, you don't have a girlfriend yet?" I asked, not that it mattered to me, I'm just curious.

"Nope" He said casualy, and then smirked. "Unless you wanna be my first" I frowned and punched his shoulder. "OUCH! what was that for?!"

"For being a total dickhead"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. We stayed in awkward silence after that though, but there was this nagging feeling in me, like I didn't wanna stay quiet because I wanted him to talk to me. But why? Ugh! I'm becoming less weird and more sappy.

"Hey uhh Red...Erm, I meant Rainbowdash?" I faced him surprised. About time he stopped calling me red, or Dashie.


"I heard you're pretty fast, so...wanna race?" He asked a competitive glint in his eyes. "Right now? But aren't you tired from all the running around being chased by fans?" I asked snickering. He shook his head.

"Nope! So whadda ya say? Or are you too chicken to lose to me?" He bragged and I frowned. Then smiled competitively. "Oh you're on"

We positioned ourselves, first one to that park central gate wins. I am gonna kick his ass, man he doesn't know whats coming for him.

"Readysetgo!" I said very fast and then sprinted to get to the finish line. I was leading but Soarin was beating me. We were neck in neck.

"You are soooo gonna lose!" He mocked. "No I'm not! Because you will! Clipper!" I shot back, and he looked surprised, he tripped, face fall on the ground, rolled and then clipped his shirt on a cone that was lying around in the middle of nowhere!

I stopped running and faced him, stiffled my laughter, but then bursted out laughing. "Ahahahahaha! N-no wonder***Laughing** Your nickname is Clipper! I get it now!" I said while still laughing.

He looked at me like I had groaned three heads. "How did you know my nickname was Clipper?! Are you a stalker?!" He asked panicked a little and I rolled my eyes.

"One name. Spitfire" I said helping him up. "Of cuarse, that meddling girl and her big mouth" He said rolling his eyes.

"Sooo, up for another race?" I asked and he quickly agreed.

We ran at full speed, I sped up and ran faster and obviously, I WON! I stood there grinning like an idiot and faced Soarin. "Well guess who lost to a girl!" I said bragging. He rolled his eyes and took deep breaths. "No way, I...I...how about a rematch?" He asked competitively. I nodded my head vigorously.

"Ok, how about, from here, to sugarcube corner, know where that is?" I asked Soar and he nodded.

"On the count of three... 1... 2..."But before I can get to three he shouted "Three!" and then ran at the speed of lightning, I held back purposely and gaved him a three seconds head start, and then followed.

I cought up with him and we were neck in neck again, I faced him and then winked, much to my surprise he blushed and I sped up, running like my life depended on it and then in the end. I won. A secomd time.

"Wooooohoooo! Guess who lost to a girl? Again?!! Thats right, Soarin did! Uh-huh uh-huh Soarin did!" I boosted and then ended up doing my victory dance.

"Uhhhh Rainbowdash?" I blushed when I saw Soarin with an amused face. "Uhh hehe, Sorry 'bout that" I said, looking at the ground to hids my blush. "Awww wittle Dashie is sooo adowable blushing" Soarin cooed in a baby voice and I smacked his head. "Ow! Just kidding ok? But uts true, you do look cute when you blush"

My blush deepened at his words. "Sh-shut up! And I'm not cute!" I said glaring at him, but he didn't seem afraid.

"Yea and your face is as red as a tomatoe right now, which matches your nickname, Red" He said luaghing. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Up foe another rematch? From here, then back to the park near that willos tree up at that hill" He offered. I smirked. "You don't know when to quit do you?" He rolled his eyes at me playfuly. "I'm Soarin Skies, famous singer, pro soccer champ, clebrity of your dreams, I am no quitter" He said proudly.

I smiled at him. I would never say this to anyone, except for Spitfire or my fake brother Flash, or Fluttershy, but...thats what I'm looking fir with guys. I like atheletic, good singer, loyal, and is definitely not a quitter. This way I know they wouldn't give up on me that easily. But not in an annoying way, like most of the guys at CHS does.

"Umm hello? Earth to Red ridding Dashie?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Soarin waved his hand at me.

"Uhhh sorry what?" I asked confused. 'We gonna race or not?" He asked me.

I nodded and then the race began! Again.

While we were running I kept noticing how much Soarin would stare at me, and would just snapp out of it whenever something would get him to trip, and then he'd avoid it.

Soon enough, as usual, I won.

"Awwwww yea! I won! Again and again and again! For the third time in a row Soarin skies has lost to a girl!" I boosted and then laughed at Soarin's face.

He just smirked. "Relax yourself Rainbow, I just let you win" He said and I rolled my eyes. Someone's pretty indenial.

I layed down on the soft green grass and Soarin lay beside me. The sun was setting and the clouds were turning pink or orange. A few stars are already showing.

"Hey Dash" Soarin said suddenly. I faced him. "How come you win all the time? I mean, I've won on racing other atheletes befors, but with you I've just lost thrice! And to a girl! Whats your secret?" He asked. I was surprised at this, nobody's ever asked me a question like that before.

"Nothing realy, I just realy love running and winning so mucb I've devoted myself to comepeting with others, proving thag just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be as tough and strong as a boy" I said simply.

"You...remind me of Spitfire, both of you are talented, atheletic, funny, comepetitive...Slightly egotistical" I punched his shoulder when he added the word 'Egotistical' I'm not the egotistical one ok?! I just love winning and bragging so much! Its my brothers who are EGOTISTICAL NOT ME!!!

"Hehe, its the truth Dash, but there's nothing to be ashamed of it, it just oroves your diffirent and better then the others and you just want them to know, I've been there too" He said.

My face softenned and I smiled at him. Maybe he's not so bad after all. I faced him again, laying there on the grass, lost in thoughts, looking up at the sky. He looks....kinda cute. WAIT CUTE?! NO NO NO NO NOOOOO! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER RAINBOW!!!!

For a few short minutes we were silent, I kept sneaking glances at Soarin, and twice I cought him sneakimg glances at me. Suddenly my phone rang.

I rolled my eyes. Great, its my brothers. Hang in, what time is it? I checked my digital watch. 5:00 pm. Oh shit mom's gonna kill me if I'm home late.

"Sorry Soar but I gotta go home now"  I said standing up. He looked dissapointed. "Why?" He asked. "Uhh parents, dinner, brothers" Was all I managed to say befors turning my back on him, picking up my bag, and running home. I realy regret coming to scho today without my car.

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