It's Just Business

Start from the beginning

"Then why are you out here pacing a hole in the floor?"

"I was...well, to be honest, I was attempting to clear my mind and I only find myself doing exactly the opposite."

"That's a cool trick, by the way," you nodded towards him with a small wave of your hand, "wish I could do that some days. Deciding what to wear can be exhausting. I do have a question about it, though. Like, do you actually conjure real clothing or is it an illusion covering you? So, if you lose focus, would you be standing there naked?"

"Uh...that's certainly quite the interesting question," Loki coughed uncomfortably, smirking subtly. Despite the change in tone, he smiled gently as he lowered his head, as if to hide his amusement away from you. "I change the appearance of the clothing that I am already wearing. Fully dressed under the illusion."

"I would suppose that's a relief," you began, but quickly backpedaled as his smirk only grew into a full smile, "I mean...not that it would be a bad thing if you weren', that's not what I meant...what I meant to say is..."

"(Y/N), worry not, I am difficult to offend. With that, you have not, in any way."

"Okay, good," you said with a sigh of relief, "I would never want to, Loki, I promise. I don't want to say or do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable here because this is your home now." You stopped and waited for him to acknowledge or say anything more, but instead, his uncomfortable stance returned, and he seemed to be looking anywhere other than at you. "So, is there anything that I can do to help you? With whatever's bothering you? Help you to clear your mind?"

Loki took a deep breath and let it out slowly, building his confidence before addressing you again; he wasn't used to this feeling, and it shook him to his core. Certainly, he was about to make an ass out of himself, he thought, and maybe it would just be best to excuse himself and run to his room and never exit it again. That rang true to him as a viable option as he tortured himself with the fear of rejection that he was about to face head on. "Actually," he began, but the tremble in his voice was clear as day, "I should like to ask you if you would be amenable..."

"Loki, breathe."

"Yes, of course," he smiled, and this time it reached his eyes and gave him a second of bravery to just blurt it all out.

"Would you care to join me for dinner? It would be a tremendous honor to be allowed to share that time with you so that we can become further acquainted." Whatever look it was on your face as he finished the question must have thrown off his confidence, leaving him to doubt himself further. When you didn't answer right away, he panicked. "Or not, if you prefer. I understand. I have yet to gain your trust or your favor, which is rightfully to be expected. However, I am unsure if anyone here will ever find their trust in me after my actions-"

"Loki, stop," you finally spoke, taking his hand, "you won't gain trust until you allow yourself to believe that you deserve it. Stop falling back on old excuses."

"That is exactly what Thor has been saying."

"I always knew that he was a smart guy."

Once again, the awkward, painful silence returned, only you didn't release his hand as you looked to each other to make the next move, or to say the next word. You felt the apprehension and a slight pull against your hold, but you wouldn't concede. You confused him still, as you looked at him now with a calmness and acceptance that he hadn't felt since before the loss of his dear mother; it was a look that he thought he might never see again in all of his days.

"Do you trust me, (Y/N)?"

You wanted to trust Loki, that much was certain as you looked at him, with his chiseled features and eyes that carried a depth that you couldn't wait to dive into, even if it meant drowning within them. It didn't matter what the others would think; their perceptions were still damaged from their experiences with him, and that was for them to work through. You could only answer to yourself, as it had always been. You had yet to make a poor decision where your life with the Avengers was involved, and this was no different. "Hold on," you deflected with a hand up to halt him.


You turned back towards the office where you had abruptly left your boss, using your open hand to open the door just enough to be heard, but not enough for him to see that you were holding Loki's hand with intertwined fingers. He would likely have a few choice words for you if he had seen that, you had no doubt. "Hey, Tony," you called to him, "I'm gonna need to move movie night to tomorrow. I've got a date."


After you had agreed to go to dinner with him, Loki understood what panic truly felt like; he had joked that he had felt it as their ship approached Earth, but that was nothing in comparison to what he was dealing with now. He had sought out the advice of his brother, as he had spent time and had shared feelings with a Midgardian before, so he was practically an authority on the topic. However, it would be a terrible letdown when he learned that Thor was in no better shape than he was now, and that he offered no help other than to find help elsewhere.

"You asked her out?" Natasha gasped in shock. "And she agreed?"

"Yes," Loki said with a growing frustration, "is that truly so unbelievable? I have changed, and am not the man that you had known several years ago. I like to believe that the changes I've made are for the better."

"Your feelings for (Y/N) have brought forth this revelation, is that correct?" Thor asked of him with a wide, prideful smile. "Has she made such an impact on you already, brother? This is remarkable."

"You have been a part of that as well," he clarified, "but yes, she has already made me see things in new ways, and that I can make up for the wrongs that I have committed here. This is why I must take her somewhere that is worthy of her presence. She is deserving of only the best that I can offer."

Natasha listened intently, fighting the urge to not hear him and to allow his words to be filtered by her lack of belief. This was still Loki, after all, and he was right in that he would have to prove his change of heart. "Okay, one question," she began, "what is it that you can offer? Like, as in cash? Who's paying for this legendary event?"

Her only answer proved to be silence and looks of urgent alarm from both Asgardians. The two of them had come to Earth with not much more than the clothes on their backs, and had been living off of the generosity of Stark and the rest of the team.

"You know what," she finally sighed, "I'll figure it out. But let me warn you, Tinkerbell, if you do anything to screw this up, or if you hurt my friend in any way, you're going to answer to me. Are we clear?"

Loki's face paled at her tone, and her word of warning that he hadn't expected. There weren't many who would challenge him in this way, and when Thor cleared his throat to get his attention, he turned to see his brother nodding in agreement with his teammate, urging Loki to do the same as quickly as possible.

"Yes, ma'am, we are quite clear. I will be on behavior that is thoroughly my best, I swear it."

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