Green Eyes

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"Tell us again Thor," one of the girls begs. You roll your eyes as Thor recounts his tale of bravado with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three.

Loki shuffled beside you as he turns a page in his book. You smile inwardly as you see his delicate fingers turn a page before his brother boasts to his latest muses.

"So there I was," Thor begins, his hands gesturing dramatically, "just the four of us, one sword, no shield, surrounded by enemies with strange weapons called "guns". Sif comes up with a plan to get us all out of there, and it involved a sticky contraption named peanut butter and..."

You rub your temples and squint. You should really get some sleep, especially after reading all night last night.

Your eyes pan over to Loki, whose gaze was concentrated on his book. His face reached a different type of calm when he read, and that's what you loved about him.

"Y/N," Loki asks, breaking you out of your trance, "is there something in my face?"

You blush slightly as Loki searches your face in earnest. You swear that Loki's eyes change color, but it could be a magical trick that the All-Mother taught him. After all, Loki is his mother's favorite.

"I just zoned out," you mumble before returning to your book. He smiles, nods, and returns to his book.

"-we took care of that, Sif had her entire hand stuck in the jar, I had a gun contraption in each hand, and the others were chained in a machine known as a "car". As it turns out..."

Your gaze returns back to Loki- or more specifically, his eyes. They were the color of a spring storm, innocence, and royalty.

"Y/N," Loki says as his hand touches your cheek. You cheeks turn a deeper shade of red than the cover of the book in your hands. "Are you okay?"

You shake your head, causing him to frown in concern. In the background, Thor's laughter booms like the thunder that Mjölnir produces.

"What's wrong?" He asks. His hand finds itself under your chin and tilts your head up.

"I have a headache," you mumble. His other hand reaches for your head and rubs your temple, which brings a little relief.

"I should probably g-" you mutter. Before you can finish, Loki sweeps you into his arms and carries you out of the library.

"You need sleep Y/N," Loki whispers in your ear as he carries you through the palace. The guards snicker and make jokes as you two pass. "Let them be," he mutters before reaching your chambers.

The doors open with a groan, and the warm crackling fire make you feel drowsy.

"I've always liked your eyes," you mutter before Loki lays you down on your bedsheets. Loki chuckles and kisses your forehead.

"I've always liked you, Y/N," Loki whispers. You smile, which causes him to grin. He makes leave for the door, and that is when you mutter the one word that would impact him for the rest of his life:

"Stay?" Loki smiles, and crawls into bed with you.You curl into him, and his arms wrap around you.

"Go to sleep Y/N," Loki murmurs as he rubs his fingers through your hair, "Yggdrasil knows you need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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