But what if I like nerds?

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I sat on my bed, checking my emails on my laptop. My phone buzzed:

"Hello, sweetie! I'd assume that you're settled in now. Love you xx"

It was from Dad, bless him. I looked over at Holly, she was getting dressed into leather leggings and a black t-shirt that showed off her bust a lot.

"Where are you going?' I asked her, curiously.

Holly rolled her eyes, "I'm going out, obviously. I've got to pull some guys before any of the skinny ass sluts get them."

I giggled. Holly was curvy, but she suited it. My figure, however, was crap. I was an average weight but I could never find an outfit that suited me. I was forever slipping dresses on and seeing if it'd suit me, but I'd look like an idiot. Always.

"But it's only the second night." I said, not really focusing on the conversation.

"And that means there's only half the guys left. Think about it, Sophia, you'll get the ugly nerds if you're not careful." She applied some liquid eyeliner to her bright green eyes.

"But what if I like nerds?" I asked. I really did, actually.

"Then that would make you weird." Holly sorted out her clothes and checked herself on the mirror. She really did look great, if only I could pull off something like that.

Holly left, slamming the door. I turned up my music and emailed my friends, telling them all about uni and Holly and the strange girl next door that watches her roommate get dressed (Holly told me). In fact, Holly knew nearly everything about everyone already. She had made at least fifty friends yesterday, but I was trying to avoid making too many friends. Too many distractions.

After about two hours, I fell asleep. My music still playing faintly into my ear.


I woke up, hitting my head on the wall. I looked across the room, Holly wasn't there. Or at least I couldn't see her there. I rubbed my eyes, ignoring the fact that I had yesterday's mascara on. I squinted, focusing on her bed. Nope. She definitely wasn't there.

I stretched and got up, shivering as the cool air drifting in from the open window. I checked my watch, it was ten am. I still had two hours before my lecture. I looked in my drawers and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I shuffled over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, looking at my crazy hair in the mirror. I really did look awful.

Once I had brushed my hair and tied it up in a ponytail, I got dressed. I was just about to do my make up when Holly burst through the door.

"Holy shit, what a night." Holly laughed.

"I'm assuming you hooked up with a guy last night?" I said, bluntly. I really had to get ready and a hungover Holly was not what I needed.

"Two." She replied, quickly.

I turned around, paying full attention, "Two? Holly... Two guys? You hooked up with two guys last night?"

She swatted my astonishment away, "Oh shut up. The first one wasn't really that important. But the second was... Wow." She sighed happily.

I covered my ears, "Shut up! I don't want to know." I finished my make-up and walked to my lecture. Holly was not going to distract me.

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