He felt her mind, it was calm, peaceful even, but she wasn't asleep. She was meditating. He didn't want to disturb her, so he pulled his mind away. Suffice to say he would have to learn to live with the current bickering.

"Ben, did you not want to talk to me" Rey's voice floated to him through the bond.

"I didn't want to disturb you, I'm just bored I suppose" He sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize a rescue mission would be so boring to you." She laughed

"Oh shush" Kylo smiled and laughed, both Poe and Finn stopped arguing to stare at him

"Shit" he thought trying to regain his composure

"What are you laughing at?" Finn questioned, he regarded Kylo carefully.

"Nothing, just a memory" Kylo replied, he felt his cheeks flush.

"Was it of me kicking your butt?" Poe questioned. Kylo only shook his head.

"Ok then" Finn turned back to Poe giving him a questioning look before he leaned back against the boxes behind him. The two of them began talking again. Kylo let out a sigh, he probably needed to learn to keep a straight face while he had company, especially if he was still talking to Rey.

"That was kind of funny" Rey was giggling. He worked to keep a smile off his face.

"Maybe for you it was, your friends already think I am insane, I don't really feel like adding to that enigma."

"Oh, don't be silly Ben, they don't think you're insane, they know you are. Besides, I want to hear all about Poe kicking you butt" She was still giggling at him, he still resisted the urge to smile. Her laugh was music to his ears, he had rarely heard laughter and just now it had come from someone so mesmerizing he almost didn't want to speak again and just listen to her laughter.

"He wishes that happened, he and I have very different recollections of the past"

"I'm sure you do. Anyway, how are you holding up, any change since we last spoke" She had finally stopped laughing.

"Aside from sitting here in the cargo hold of a ship that I used to have control over with two resistance fighters?" He questioned "I don't know. I am at a loss honestly, it's very strange for me to be doing something like this" he didn't know what to say, how to tell her that this was a part of him he thought he had lost, the part that wanted to be a better person. He also didn't know how to explain that she made him feel uneasy, made his heart beat faster, his palms sweat.

"This? You mean not pillaging, not destroying planets" Rey asked. "I'm sorry you have to do something you'd rather not be doing, I'm sorry I shoved you into the escape pod. I didn't even think, I just wanted you safe, so I'm sorry you have to save me now." Rey apologized, and Kylo felt his face frown, he didn't even to attempt to hide his new expression. The idea that she thought he didn't want to rescue her was ridiculous, complete insanity.

"Rey, don't you dare think I have any issue with rescuing you. You should be here with me, with us. And I am immensely grateful to you for saving my life, this is all just different for me. For so long I was tearing though the galaxy at Snokes command, I've seen and dealt out so much death. It's just shocking to see that power from the other side, to have to fight against it for something you believe in."

"And what do you believe in Ben Solo" she asked.

"I believe that this war needs to end. It is completely useless and a waste of life and resources. There is so much more that could be done with a united galaxy. I also believe that you are important to the Resistance, they need you" He couldn't tell her the truth. That he needed her, she was important to him. When they fought together he had felt a sense of completeness, something that he hadn't felt in a long time, if at all. All of this that he had once perceived as weakness seemed to give him purpose, a reason to change the galaxy.

"I see" she whispered, her voice seemed to take on a disappointed tone. Why would that disappoint her? He had no answer and he didn't dare ask.

Rey faded away and Kylo was left with the sense that he had somehow upset her. If she desired to be wanted by him he couldn't tell. He doubted she wanted him, not in a way that was more than an ally. No one needed him.

The shuttle lurched forward, signaling that they were slowing, approaching the Supremacy. Kylo could feel the uneasiness growing in his stomach. If he wasn't so tense he might have thrown up from being so nervous.

"So how are we going to get off of this shuttle without being seen" Finn looked at Kylo expectantly.

"Well thankfully all of these shuttles have an access panel in the cargo hold for quick unloading, though it will still be nearly impossible to get out without being seen. Kriff, we didn't think this part though." Kylo racked his brain for an answer that didn't involve being captured.

"Can we disguise ourselves?" Poe questioned the two other men. He did have a good idea; however, it wouldn't be as easy as marching around in Storm Trooper armor. Or would it?

Kylo looked around at the supplies surrounding them, most of it was rations and medical supplies. There were no weapons. One box however was labeled for the men's quarters. He removed top of the box and was relieved to find several Rocket Trooper uniforms and a few officer uniforms. Kylo pulled out a helmet and glanced back at the other two. Guess the age-old plan of wearing the enemy's clothing would work. Kylo thought of the story his father once told him about when he first met his mother. Han and Luke were in a similar situation, though at the time his scoundrel father had only been in it for the money. Interestingly, Kylo seemed to find himself in the same predicament, though he was working more for freedom rather than credits.

"Woa, Rocket Trooper armor, I've always wanted to wear that, they have jump packs built into their suits" Finn nearly shouted, he was excited, he reached for the helmet and pulled it over his head. "Oh man the interface in this is way different than my old uniform, this is so cool"

"Finn, we don't have time for this" Poe whispered as he took the uniform pieces from Kylo who had handed he and Finn the remaining pieces of the uniform.

"I know, sorry, ok so once we get out of the hanger we need to get to a maintenance station, it will have the access panel to the ventilation systems." He was speaking directly to Kylo as he said this.  "Keep in mind that we have to make it down to the detention levels so we will have to climb. We also have to make sure we don't accidently open up the access panel to the garbage shoots, those things are vile.  Poe you will have to stay hidden in the hangar and set the charges, I'll radio you once were on the detention level to blow them, make sure you leave at least one ship, so you can blow the cannons." Finn pulled his uniform on and crept towards the access panel and motioned for the two others to follow. Kylo was taller than any of the troopers so the uniform wasn't going to fit him. He decided to go with the Officer clothing instead. Even still it was snug. He looked down at his uniform, he had ranking pins that meant he was only a Captain. It was odd for him to even have a rank. He was technically Supreme Leader for all of about twenty minutes. That is before someone had shoved him into space. Before that he was just a Knight, there was no official rank for that, but he was Snoke's only remaining Knight and unfortunately the monster's weapon of destruction.

The shuttle landed with a loud thump and the three men quickly jumped from the cargo hold. There were, surprisingly not very many troopers in the main hangar. The ones that were there were easily convinced to looking anywhere but at the three as they made their way to the closest maintenance station. Kylo could feel the sweat on his brow. As cool as the circulated air in the ship was, he was overflowing with anxiety. If they were caught all three would be executed on the spot and Rey would be left at the mercy of Hux. Kylo quickened his pace, he didn't like having to sneak around. His methods were usually to wipe out any opposing forces before seeking whatever meaningless item Snoke had sent him for. Rey, however was not meaningless. She was the light of the resistance, the hero they cherished, if he didn't rescue her, he would, at the very least be locked in some dark cell for the rest of his days. A fate that he deserved but wanted to avoid none the less. He did not like being confined.

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