Shopping With A Side Of Gossip

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"So where are we going" Lexie ask while looking out the window in amazement. "To this big shopping center your going to love it" Kelly tells her as we drive threw London. "I bet so how long have you guys been dating the guys?" I ask being a bit nosy. "Well me and Lucy are cousins and met the guys a year a half ago. So about that long" Lily says turilning around to face me. "I started dating Louis a year ago" Kelly says as she smiles down at her phone. "Oh thats nice you all seem very happy" i say looking at each of the girls. "Yeah we are its also a plus there finally taking a break no more tours for two months. Let me tell you touring is were it really puts us to the test since we cant always be with them." Lucy says as she pulls into the parking lot. "Thats true but there next tour is in America and we do get to go since its not long" Lily says as we all climb out of the car. "How existing you guys must love it" Lexie says like a total fan girl. "Yeah we do" Kelly tells us linking her arms with Lexie. "So are you guys dress girls? Do you have boy friends back home?" Lucy ask as we all walk into the huge dress store. "Leah isnt but i am totally a dress person, and no we dont have any boy friends back home" Lexie tells them as we walk down a few isles. "Kelly this is perfect for you" Lily says holding up a thigh length, strapless green dress. Kelly grabs the dress loving how nice it looks. "Lily how about this for you?" Lexie says holding out a knee length, spaghetti strapped white dress. Lily snatches it up and go to try it on with Kelly. "Lexie i found you one" Lucy says holding out a frilly knee length purple dress with a sweatheart neck line. "Perfect" Lexie trills while grabbing it to try on. "Here" Lucy and i say at the same time. In her hand is a blue-green, floor length, flowing, and spaghetti strapped dress. In my hand is a strapless, creamy orange, black belted, thigh length dress. We both swap bress amazed with how perfect they are. We join the rest of the girls in the fitting rooms to change. I strip off my black leggings and off the shoulder shirt so i can pull the dress over. I zip up the side and step out seeing everyone is all ready admiring one another. "You look amazing Leah" Lexie says looking like she might explode. Lexie is have so much fun and wd have only been here for an hour and just met the girls. "Thanks Lex that dress looks real hot on you" i tell her as she twirls around. She nods her head vigorously as the girls crowd around us. They all throw out comments like you look great and thats the one. After we spend ten more minutes admiring the dresses we all go inside to change. "Lex i dont think we can afford these" i whisper to her as we follow the girls to the cheek out. "Read and weep" she says holding a gold card with Liams name on it. I stare at her mouth agape for a while before shaking my head. "Well i can't afford this" i tell her looking down at my dress. "Yes you can girly Niall slipped me this" Lucy says holding out a green card. Why would he do that, i think to my self. After we finish paying for all the dresses we decide its lunch time. "So girls what are we eating?" Lucy ask everyone as we walk into the food court. "Subway" Kelly says pulling us into line. We all nod in agreement waiting ten minutes to be served. Im last to order with a foot long buffalo chicken toasted. Our bill comes to twentyfive dollars (18.32€). We all decide to head to a park near the guys houseto eat and chat. Lily drives this time with me in shot gun. On the drive to the park One Direction Best Song Ever starts playing. Kelly screams to turn it up and starts belting out lyrics. We all laugh and decide to join in with her.

"And we danced all night to the best song ever.

We knew every line. Now I can't remember

How it goes but I know that I won't forget her

'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever." We all belt out not sound anywhere as nice as the guys. As the song comes to an end we are pulling into the park. "Fresh air" Kelly says az we grab out sandwiches and head to a bench. "Ok ladies gossip hour" Lucy says with excitement shining in her eyes. "Liam asked me out to the premiere" Lexie says we could barely understand her. "Awee Liam is such a sweetheart" Lily says after finishing a bite of her sandwich. "Why didnt you tell me sooner?" I ask feeling betrayed even though i shouldnt. Lexie just shrugs her shoulders and turns to Lily. "I know isnt he, he looked so nervous and cute when he asked" Lexie gushes while basking in the memory. "Awe good for Liam. So Harry told me you guys had a movie night" Lucy says after she finished wiping her mouth. I nod my head since i was still chewing. "How was it?" Kelly ask once she returned from throwing her garbage away. "It was ok the movies were really good, but i fell asleep on the last one" i tell her as i get up to trow my stuff away. "Yeah she sure did fall asleep right on Niall. Oh and he carried her up stairs to her bed" Lexie says shooting me questioning eyes. "What, and you were going to tell us?" Lucy accused giving me a pointed look. "It was nothing i fell asleep and he was sweet enough to carry me up to my bed and tuck me in" i tell them leaving out the kiss he on the forehead. "Thats not nothing that is definitely something" Lily says finishing her sandwich. "Oh my god our little Niall is growing up" Kelly trills with an ear to ear smile. "Why do you say that?" Lexie ask just as confused as me. "Well you see Niall doesnt really show an intrest in girls. Hes really shy if you havent noticed" Lucy explains while collecting everyones garbage. "I dont think he sees me like that he was just being nice" i say trying to relax my heart rate. There is no way Niall could be interedted in me, theres just no way, i think to my self. I zone out of the conversation being pulled into what happened last night. I could have sworn he whispered something else besides good night but i was to far asleep to hear. There just delusional Niall doesnt like me. He couldnt we just met it doesnt happen that fast. "Leah" i hear Lexie say trying to getmy attention. "You ok?" Lily ask looking at me with sweet eyes. "She was probably just thnking about Niall" Kelly says giggling to her self. "Was not" i say as my cheeks begin to burn from embarrassment. "You totally were but its ok i dont blame you" Lucy says flashing me her award winning smile. "We better be getting you girls back" Lily says wrapping her arm around me as we walk to the car. Before we both climb in the back she whispers in my ear saying, "Be easy with Niall hes a sweet boy, who you should totally give a chance". With that in mind we drove off and the girls didnt mention Niall again.

Latter that night...

I find my self sitting in my room on my carpet enjoying a bowel of green grapes, when i hear a knock at my door. "Come in" i call out before tossing a grape in my mouth. "Hey Leah can we talk?" Niall ask from my door way. I nod my head since im still chewing on the grape. He laughs softly while walking in and shutting the door. I pat the spot on the rug next to me ushering him over. "So whats on your mind?" I ask while holding the bowel out to him knowing he will want some. "Well i got a question" he says while grabbbing a hand full of my grapes. "Hey i was offering you a few not a hand full" i say in a teasing voice. He shoot me a smirk before poping a grape in his mouth. "To bad" he says once hes finished chewing. I roll my eyes while laying on my back waiting for him to ask his question. "So i was just wondering if you would like to be my date tomorrow" Niall says blushing slightly. "I would love to Niall as long as you dont eat all my grapes" i say as he sticks his hand my bowel grabbing more. "Great and ill try not to but im hungry" he says putting the whole hand full in his mouth. "That nothing new" i say while taking the bowel away from him. "Then be the awesome person you are and share" he says while trying to reach over me. I shake my head moving the bowel out of his reach. "Leah" he wines giving me a puppy dog face. "Niall" i say softening my eyes to win him over. "Dont look at me like that, i cant think straight" he says covering my eyes with his hand. I laugh softly while moving his hand and sitting up. I then stand up and he follows my lead. I grab the bowel and hand it to him with a smile saying, "Here you go and good night". He gives me the biggest grin before leaning in and kissing my cheek. I stand there shocked as he walks backwards towards the door. "Good night Leah sleep well my dear" he says before walking room and shutting the door. Niall Horan just kissed me on the cheek. Me your normal girl nothing really special. But that night i went to bed with a smile on my face.

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