;;Part 5

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Harvey' s P.O.V
Ela was around as usual and we were just scrolling through instagram on our phones. We would occasionally show each other something funny. I love these sort of times with Ela. It's nice to relax sometimes and just be with your best friend.
Out of nowhere Max opens the door and storms in. Both Ela and I shift our attention to him. He starts to say something when he sees Ela is here. Then I see him start to blush a bit and get a bit shy. I didn't really question it. He then shows me his phone. I look at the top. It's a group chat on instagram called 'Moist Pizza'. I have a little giggle at the name. Before I start to read the conversation. It's basically them all 'fangirling' as we had joined and Max had dmed them. I look up at Max and then remember Ela is here. Ela is giving me a questioning look. I ask Max why he showed me this. He replies saying "Because they all seem really nice. And the name."
I look who's in it and follow two of them because we don't follow them. I see Ela is in it so I tell her to go on it.
We spend the next 10 minutes having a conversation with them all. It was very funny. This day couldn't get much better. It feels like these lot are our friends.
Ela has gone home. Max is playing with Tilly and Leo. I decide to go back on the group chat we were on earlier. Only Maddie and Anam were active so we had a little conversation. Then Ela joined and we were all talking about some of our new songs coming out soon. I was very careful to not give too much out.

Ela's P.O.V
I got on so well with the group chat and I wanted to get to know them all more so I asked for their snapchats. I was snapchatting Maddie and Vicky because the other two were out. When Harvey texted me.

-Text Messages-


snapchatting maddie and vicky

i'm glad you are all getting on so well😂😂
i'm just sitting here boredddd

poor you😂

i should probably go to sleep soonnn
so gn

see you tomorrow at school

-Text Messages-

I honestly can see myself getting close to these four girls. However Harvey seemed a bit off with me tonight so I hope I haven't done anything wrong. Oh well I will ask him tomorrow at school.

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