The Band Of Lunatics

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     I awoke with a pounding headache and a dry mouth. Something didn't feel right. I opened my eyes but couldn't see. Then it all came back to me, the coffee shop, Kyle, the needle. I realized that I was laying down, it was soft, a bed? My stomach rumbled indicating that I was hungry. I groaned loudly so hopefully someone could hear me. I heard the clicking of someone's heals on the hard floor. I sat upright on the bed. I quickly checked my pocket for my phone, it was there! I pulled it out and unlocked it, it had 4% battery left. The light from my phone allowed me to see where i was.  I was in a cell like room almost like a prison except it had a small hint of comfort. 

        The clicking heels where getting closer. I dialed 9-1-1 as fast as i could. "Click! Click! Click!" The foot steps were coming even closer. No cell service! The Clicking stopped right when i turned my phone off. A girl around my age stood outside the metal bars. She wore black jeans, black boots, and a white shirt. She had a beautiful and strong face structure with long dark hair. She just stood there for along time probably thinking of what to say or taking in what i look like. Finally when it seemed like the silence would never end she spoke, " So." She looked around the cage like room I was in, and her eyes stopped to the phone. "I bet you have a million questions starting with where am I?" I didn't speak.

        "Hey if you don't speak you don't get food, my own personal rule." She smiled as if she remembered something pleasant. 

        " Um, where's the food?" I said as my stomach rumbled. She frowned like that wasn't what she expected me to say but then nodded. 

        "Food will come, for now i'm going to ask you a few questions which you must answer honestly. Are you ready?" My glare on this girl turned to stone. 

        "No, i don't want to answer any of your stupid questions! You must let me leave at once so i can report you to the poilce!" The girl just stared at her then burst out laughing. 

        "Man i'm loving you already! Ok so first question-"

        "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME!? I SAID I WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE!!!" My whole body was shaking with anger. I diidn't realize that i had gotten up until i was at the metal bars. I slipped my arms through the bars and grabbed the girl by the front of her shirt dragging her closer to the metal bars.

        "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! princess calm down." It was the man that started all of this, Kyle. I felt very dizzy for a second and i dropped my grip on the girl.  I'm not going to win this. Kyle walked over to the girl and whispered into her ear then the girl nodded and walked away. Kyle stayed and watched me.

        "What was her name?" I said my voice cracking. 

        "Olivia." He said.

        "Why did you bring me here?"

        "My squad needs help, and your going to be the help. Just answer a few questions for us." I didn't answer. What do i say? No? Yes? Not in a million years? I need freedom! If i don't get out of this cell soon I'm going to end up like them, like a lunatic. 

        "Theres no cell service here." 

        "Hmm so you noticed?" He said.

        "I have noticed a lot of things. Like how you still have that stupid smirk on your face." I turned my back to him and stared at the bed. He didn't answer instead I heard the click of a key through a lock and the creak of a metal door opening. I turned around. But Kyle wasn't there. I slowly walked through the metal doors. Which way? Finally i ended up going the way Olivia had gone. 

         I passed so my empty cells, it was dead quiet. At the end of the cells there was an open door leading somewhere beyond. They are leading me somewhere. Should I keep going? I kept going. I went into another room next door. I stared a little puzzled at what i saw. In the middle of the room was a wooden table with two matching chairs. In one of the chairs was a kid with glasses, he held a folder labled with my name on it and seemed to be expecting my arrival. 

        I was about to turn around when all of a sudden the door behind me slammed close. There goes my only way of escape! This room had no windows or doors besides the door she came through. Then the guy cleared his throat and began to speak, "Hello Miss Wood, Please take a seat and we can began." I stared at him and continued standing. "Ok then little miss friendly. Well my names Edger and I'm here to explain all the questions you may have." 

        "I don't want to talk to you." I said finally sitting in the wooden chair. "Hmm, i think i do have one question though."

        "What would that be?" 

        "Wheres my food?! Geez, i've been waiting forever!!"


There finally i can upload something, sorry its been so long school and friends have been keeping me busy. 

cscubear loves you all!!





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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