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Elijah had been surprised by the phone call

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Elijah had been surprised by the phone call. He hadn't expected the young werewolf to call him, but he also knew that she needed answers. It had taken Elijah some time to found out what everything meant, and saying that he was shocked was an understatement.

Around 500 years ago a witch had told him about soul mates, but he never thought more about it and he never took her seriously. But experiencing this and hearing what ten different witches told him, all saying the same thing gave him hope. Even if this wasn't his soulmate, he felt hope that he would found his own in the future. That he would find the person that he would spend the rest of his life with, that he would find true love.

Elijah also knew that he couldn't tell Ava about this. It was something she needed to found out for herself. He knew that if he told her that at first she wouldn't believe him, and also that she would feel forced to love his brother and that would crush Klaus.

Klaus would never admit it to anyone, but he was fragile. If he would fall in love and then be betrayed he would break apart. His humanity would be lost forever, even if he didn't have much of it left already. Elijah knew that if Ava rejected his brother that this town would be no more.

So before he left to meet up with the girl he knew he needed to come up with a story. If he just told her that he couldn't tell her she would never give up. But also he had a hard time lying to the girl and telling her that he had found nothing on his search for answers.

Ava felt nervous when she waited for the original to come over. It was the night before the full moon, so she were already on edge before she would have to go through the painful shifting the next night. She needed to talk to the man that she felt had all the answers she needed, at least in this moment.

The feeling she felt before this full moon were different, she felt stronger. Like something had changed when she met the original. That was something that confused Ava to no end. She needed to know if she had become stronger before she chained herself up, she couldn't afford to break lose.

Still on edge she almost jumped when she heard a knock on her door. The majors house were empty and she relived when both her brother and mother had left the house earlier during the day. Ava also knew that it would take hours before one of them got home again.

Before Ava could react there was an other knock on the front door. She had zoned out and hadn't noticed how long she had been just standing there not opening the door before there was an other knock.

"Hello." Elijah said when the brown haired girl opened the door to let him in. He gave her a smile and couldn't help but to think how perfect she was for his brother. How she would keep him grounded and at the same time stand up to him and wouldn't let him walk all over her. Something Klaus did to a lot of people.

Him & I - K.Mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن