Chapter 2

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"Your so cruel" he said as if I killed his mother. I shot him a glare and it seemed he got the message because in a split second, he ran out the door.

Time skip~~
Donuts POV

I was sitting on the balcony thinking about random shit, when I heard  footsteps coming to the door which I recognize as callie's. I walk over and sit just far enough away from the door not to get hit. I heard the click of the lock and the door opened, but instead of petting me or asking how me day went,  she quickly went to her room and fell asleep. While she was asleep I clocked dinner,  set the table and cleaned the house witch wasn't to hard becoust the apartment is kind of small. When she woke up she went straight to the table because of the smell of food, sat down and started to eat "how was your nap?" I asked while eating "I'm dead" her eyes were closed and her hair was a mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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