The Starting of horror

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The castle was silent and know one had yet seen what i had done to the maid and the wall. I watched over my parents as they weeped time and time again. My mother had been in my room for most of the day smelling my cothing. My father had been at my body for most of the day holding my hand and weeping on non beating heart. I heard a scream from the maids quaters and knew that someone had found my message. 

My mother looked at it strangly and i knew she knew that i had had something to do wiht this My father just stood there in shock. I could see the pain in my mothers eyes. It hurt me to see her this way but it had to be done. 

I went to the forest to see if i could find anyother ghosts to talk when i remembered Fairies power is very powerful. I could take the fairies powe and use it to get that book ripped up. I went in search for a fairy and once i'd found one i grabed it kiled it and took away its power. I got the fairys power owing that i could do anything i wanted so i used it to make all the knifes in castle come to life and there goal was to kill anything in its path.

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