Dunham Hall

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George made her way back to Kirrin cottage with everything she loved - her dog, Timmy, her cousins and a smile on her face because someone - no five people - had thought she was a boy.

"Wasn't it funny," said Anne, "when those children thought you were a boy George?"

"No," replied George curtly, she always wanted to be treated as a boy and now Anne was saying that it was 'funny'.

"I wonder where they're staying?" said Julian, changing the subject.

The Five Find Outers and Dog were in fact staying in a nearby house owned by friends of Fatty's mother. It was a big house with plenty of spare rooms so the residents were used to guests. As the children walked in through the gate with their luggage they began to get a feeling of foreboding about the place. The narrow path was bordered by trees which cast a dark green glow over the group, the eerie creek of the gate behind them the only thing spurring them on. However, they were glad when they reached the house with it's welcoming wooden door and lit up, glowing windows. Larry took hold of the brass knocker and tapped three times. The door opened almost at once to reveal a tall, broad man with a bald head. He was gesturing towards the stairs and obviously didn't notice the Five Find Outers.

"Take them to the top of the stairs, third - oh" he turned around and noticed the children on the doorstep. For a split second he looked nonchalantly at the children, taken aback, until his face broke into a kindly smile,

"Welcome!" he said, "you must be Frederick." Fatty shook his hand.

"And you must be Mr Gates," Fatty replied.

"I'll show you to your rooms. The two girls are sharing and the boys have two adjoining rooms." Mr Gates lead the five up the stairs and along a corridor. He lead them into a room at the end of the wooden panelling.

"This is where the girls will stay," he then pointed to the two doors opposite, "and these are the boys' rooms. I will now leave you to unpack. My wife will have supper ready by six o'clock." The children stood, listening to the departing footsteps of their host.

"That was strange," said Pip, "I think he was expecting someone else." Larry felt uneasy about the man's sudden change in personality. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"Maybe we should listen in case anyone else does arrive, then we might understand."

"There's probably a reasonable explanation," said Fatty.

"Oh please do let's listen, just in case." pleaded Bets, who really wanted this to be another mystery.

Just then three light taps on the door caused a collective intake of breath as they heard the the latch click open...

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